3: a really nice guy

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Genos: sonic is a villain.

Sairisu: he's not. He's... He's a cute guy who moves very fast.

Genos: I can't change your mind can I?

Sairisu: nope. Hehe.

Genos: so you like his type of guy?

Sairisu: what do you mean?

Genos: like him... A villian.

Sairisu: he just likes the adrenaline. Don't you?

Genos: well... I can't deny that...

Sairisu: you're a nice guy genos. Someday, some girl will like you even if you're fully metal.

Genos: I am popular so that you know.

Sairisu: but none has really approached you and say I like you!! Just... Please sign right?

Genos: how do you know?

Sairisu: because we all think cyborgs are humans with no exciting that.

Genos: that... Huh.

Sairisu: daijobu. It's not something super important. Someone someday will like you for who you are.

Genos: so you are saying I'm a good guy.

Sairisu: hai. You're very nice and as dreamy as you look. Just lacking in that part... That's why no girls really like you.

Genos: I see. Arigato for your opinion.

Sairisu: nah. It's ok. Help me wash my clothes.

Genos: so it's not for free huh.

Sairisu: baka of course not. Out for chocolate!! Tell that baka!! For me.

Genos: sairisu...

She stopped in her steps " hm? "

Genos: what you think about me?

Sairisu: you're a really nice guy genos.

Genos: would you date me? If it's possible. Not saying it would be.

Sairisu: um. Why not?

Genos: sairisu...

Sairisu: you do great chores. *thumbs up*

Genos: sigh...

Sairisu: bye bye. *leaves *

Genos: a really nice guy huh...

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