Cockadiles and Alligayers

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There once was a little young cockadile. He hadn't seen his friends in a long long while. Maybe it's because he's a cockadile. Or maybe its because he's just a little alligayer. This cockadile pushed the thought aside, as he went to the lake to take a nice ride. He got to the lake and everyone thought he was a player, but the truth is he's just a little alligayer...In the land of cockadiles, he was an alligayer. All the people knew though, he isn't gonna be a slayer, but they were all wrong, and they didn't know it yet, but soon they would see a side they never would forget... The cockadile found a gameboy on the outskirts of the lake, he found and he thought, "no way, this is fake!" He turned it on and knew, he was more than a Jew, he was a player and a slayer that's just a little alligayer. He conquered the world's of pokemon and sonic, he even got a medal for drinking some tonic. His friends all came back because he's a slayer player, even though he's a cockadile that's a little alligayer

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