Chapter 10

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(A/N listening to the song which is attached makes the chapter more emotional idk lol try it - listen to it on repeat :)) )

Cassidy's POV

Jess was applying the last bit of mascara on her long lashes as I fixed her hair. She had a nice pale pink skater skirt with a white top, a big jean jacket and Nike Air Force trainers.

"Done!" I smiled at her, but I was trying to swallow the big knot in my throat. Why did I feel like crying?

"Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Um, duh?" I laughed in a way that I thought was brightly, but Jess suspected something.

"Come," she pulled me over to my bed as I furrowed my eyebrows together. "I think you like Ethan."

"What? No." I scoffed, laughing nervously.

"You're really bad at lying, Cassy." she laughed at me. "I don't have to go!"

"Oh shut up and leave, you know you want to!"

"If you insist." she giggled as we went down stairs.

I was in nothing but my tracksuits, a baggy shirt and Gray's hoodie because I wasn't going anywhere.

"Wish me luck!" Jess called after me as she walked down my porch.

"For what? It's going to go great!" I waved at her and closed the door slowly behind me.

I had a strange feeling that something bad was going to happen.


Ethan's POV

I was at home preparing myself for the date I had with Jess, when Grayson came into my room.

"Uh, Ethan?"

"Mmm hmm?" I nodded, pulling a purple jumper over my head.

"Jess called me to tell you that the date plans are cancelled. She was too embarrassed to tell you, so she wanted me to pass it on to you," Grayson scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "She said she had forgotten that her cousins were coming over."

"Oh," I sighed, sitting on my bed. "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure!" he proclaimed.


"Sorry, buddy." he closed the door and I lay on my bed, my stomach facing the ceiling.

I was going to have to study now.


Grayson's POV

Ethan can take lies so easily.

I looked in the mirror of my room and examined myself. I wasn't wearing anything too formal or informal.

"Hey, uh, I'm going to McDonalds, want something?" I poked my head around Ethan's room door and saw him by his table, studying.

"Big Mac with extra fries, thanks." he responded, not lifting his head.

I grabbed the keys and slipped out the front door, pulling my coat on. Jess was going to be in for a surprise.


I entered the cafe and I instantly felt a wave of warmth welcome me. I looked around and saw Jess on her phone, her wavy hair covering a bit of her face.

Wow she was pretty.

I went over to the counter to get a hot chocolate then sat in front of her.

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