The Meet-up

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~Frank’s Pov~

And as me and Tanya went down stairs with this kid I saw everybody’s waiting. Ray and Mikey with their young versions. I don’t see where Gerard is and I just thought that they didn’t do what Gerard told us before.

They all stood up and let Tanya sat down.

“So she’s Tanya?” the young Mikey asked while letting Tanya sit on the couch. “Yes, I’m Tanya. Nice to meet you young Mikey.” She smiled and sat on the couch. I didn’t sit anymore. I just let the little me sat where ever he want. Gerard isn’t done with his companion yet so everybody is silent.

After a few minutes, the door on Gerard’s room opened, I think the big Gerard is the one who came out the door, the little one followed. He saw every single one of us, I saw him smirked. I think he’s surprised that we didn’t do everything he had said. Gerard is walking down the stairs while looking at me. I smiled at him and hoping he don’t ignore it this time. He raised his right eye brow and simply smiled at me. At last, he didn’t fucking ignore my smile.

The little Gerard came closer to me. “So you’re the old Frank?” he asked and faced the young me, “and you’re Frank here in present? Right?” he asked the little me, as he did to everyone. I got confused what the heck was that for. So I just raised y eyebrows and looked down at Tanya. After all that little Gerard did. He came closer to Tanya, she smiled at him and he suddenly stopped. “You’re Tanya?” he asked. Tanya simply looked at the Gerard –the old one- and look back to the kid in front of her, “Yeah, I’m Tan….” The little Gerard cut her off, “You and Stacy have the same smile. Did you know that?” the little Gerard said but I think he’s voice got higher than anyone of us. “Shhhh…. Hey!” the big Gerard said, “…you might wake up Stacy” he continued. The kid covered his mouth with his hands and sat down beside Tanya. “I’m sorry” he whispered to Tanya. “No, that’s okay.” Tanya smiled and stood up beside me.

“So everybody, I bet all of you already know why the future of yourselves are here.” She started with her low voice not very low, low enough not to wake Stacy up. Everybody nod, Tanya look at me and Gerard that is standing at her left. “Should we do this?” she asked Gerard. Gerard looked at me and smiled. “I don’t want to waste your time.” Gerard said while looking back to Tanya. She nod and faced everyone. “So all of the young ones come to me.” she said, as all the kids come in front of her, she pulled out a marker and opened it. “Gimme your hands, I’ll mark it so you guys know who are the old and young, okay?” the little Gerard agreed. I think he agreed coz he’s kinda confused who are the young and the old ones. He let Tanya mark her hand with a “X”.

After everything, the little Gerard spoke, “We’re not going at some kind of war right?”

“Nope” Gerard said. “All you need to do is, don’t go at the concert tomorrow.” He said while walking around the 4 kids, “We will be watching you guys.” Gerard said at the little Gerard’s ear. The little Gerard’s eyes rolled his eyes and I can’t help but to giggle, until I felt Tanya pulled my shirt twice.

I’m still giggling while I looked at her looking at the hall way to her room. When I looked at what it is I was shocked, “Gee!” I called Gerard but the little kid also looked at me. They all look what Tanya and I were looking at. Gerard stop talking and so the others looked at the hallway. And I can feel that we’re all shocked about this. I can feel my knees are starting to fall and I can feel everybody’s heart start beating sooo fast.

Silence filled the whole house. I can hear everyone’s heart beat. I can feel the sweat dropping from my forehead to my nose. I know. That Gerard is very speechless about it. I didn’t help it but to kneel on the floor.

There’s someone standing there at the hallway.


*half way to the last part....

*please leave a comment so I can finish the story.. and I also want to know if it's good or bad...

*lots of love to all of you 

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