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Gerard’s POV

I don’t understand what’s happening since we all came in this place. What does that even mean? How’d hell did she knew she’ll going to die soon?

“I know that this is really hard to believe, but I got these dream that I died so many times.” She said, pulling her hair while she laugh. “Am I right?” Stacey asked, do we need to tell her that, do we need to tell her or warn her that she’ll die if they all go in the concert?

I look around and saw Mikey –the future one. Thinking with his left hand on his chin. “Will you tell us more?” Tanya requested to Stacey. I sat beside her to hear everything.

“I don’t know but, I think I’ve dreamt 4 times that I always die in a car accident with you guys.” She said as she look at the little us, “…then after that, you guys came telling me not to go at that concert, it’s always the same. I’m explaining same things, saying same things doing the same thing…” she paused as she giggled about everything. “Like Dejavu?” The young Mikey said. “Yes, Mikey! Like Dejavu! But I think it’s happening for real!” she laughed and smiled, she seems doesn’t bother that she’ll going to die soon. “Isn’t it cool guys? Hahaha!” she laughed.

Does she think this is funny? Does she think that it’s just a joke? This is a matter of life and death. I also notices that she’s the only one happy and enjoying what is happening. “Why are you laughing like that? Like you’re not going to die soon?” I told her, she needs to know that, every single one of us suffered since the day she died and she doesn’t seem to care about that?

Everyone seems so sad and lonely when they find out that she’s going to die soon. I really don’t understand what’s on her mind. She’s like an painting to me, an Abstract, really hard to explain, hard to understand.

“I’m laughing coz I’m happy Gerard!” She joyfully told me, with a smile on her face.

“Why? Why are you happy that you’re going to die soon? Don’t you want to see us? Don’t you want to be with us anymore?” I asked, everyone is silent, I didn’t heard any word from them, even Frank and Tanya. I know they don’t understand what’s on Stacey’s mind too.

I came closer to her, kneeled and give her a tight hug, “We don’t want you to go, we don’t want you to leave, that’s why we came here!” I whispered to her ear while I’m hugging her. I haven’t done this before. I don’t remember the last time I hugged her. I moved her away to see her face. Her eyes are swollen and arched a surprised eyebrows. I frowned, I don’t understand, she seems so happy before.

“You hugged me!” she surprisingly said, “That, it never happened in my dreams where you came telling me not to go, I don’t remember this part!” she said as she smiled.

I seriously don’t understand this girl, sometimes I wished to read her mind. I want to know what is she thinking, laughing about weird things, is that normal? Sometimes I think she’s crazy but I think she’s just so jolly.

“You know why I’m happy?” she asked me, while I’m still holding her shoulders, I give my confused look to her.

“I’m happy coz I know you’re not going to forget about me when I die, I’m happy because you guys will remember me forever!” she said while smiling, she placed her hand on my face, her eyes started to be watery, “I know that I’ll always be in your heart! Gerard” she softly said.

Frank came closer and tapped my shoulder, leaving his hand on it. “Dude, we’re here, coz we never forget about her, and that’s a good thing.” He said, though I don’t much understand it, I realized that though an Abstract is hard to understand, there’s a really good reason why it exist. To remember that there’s an Abstract that is really beautiful, that you’ll never forget.

Maybe, Stacey is an Abstract.

I left her sitting there, looking at the fair abstract sitting right there in front of me. “Even if you warn me not to go at the concert, I’m still going to die. My time has already come and we cannot escape that, it’s our faith!” those words marked in my head. “You know guys I’m not happy because I’m going to die soon, I’m happy because I’ve met a people like you, I’m happy because we had happy memories together that we can recall in the future.” She said while she’s smiling as tears starting to fall from her eyes, those are the smile that I will never be able to see again, the smile that we will be missed.

“I’m not afraid to die, I’m afraid that someone might forget me when I’m already gone, I’m happy that you guys decided to go here, that means you never forgot me.” she said while sobbing, her crystal clear tears are still falling.

“If you guys are from the future and came her just to change my destiny, I’m telling you that you cannot change the destiny of a person. You cannot change the past, you’ll remember it, like how you remembered everything about me.” she sincerely told us.

As she cry in front of us, I realized what does this piece of art work mean to us, the sad story behind an Abstract.

She’s afraid to be forgotten.

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