So is this considered our first date ?

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** Ally's P.O.V **

I opened my eyes and wake up from our nap around 6 p.m , we had been sleeping for 3 hours. When I opened my eyes I saw Niall was already up and watching me, I decided to use his own remark against him and say "enjoying the view?" He laughs remembering when he used that line on me, and he said he's only been up a couple minutes. His face looks like it's gaining more color to it rather than being pale, so I take it he's starting to feel better. I check his forehead and it feels warm, but not as hot as earlier. As we're still laying together he turns around and wraps his arm around my waist as his chest is against my back. I grab his hand and start playing it, when he asks me a question, "so I was thinking, would you want to go somewhere with me tomorrow night after the show? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to, but i thought it'd be fun.." I smile to myself and tell him I'd love to go on a date with him. he kisses my shoulder and I ask him where we would go? "I actually don't know yet, we've never been to buffalo before so I had to look up places we could go." "alright, I can't wait!" We lay there for a couple minutes just soaking in each other's presence. When I think about it, I could have never had this with Liam, whatever I thought I felt for Liam wasn't even close to what I feel for Niall now. I've never experienced this type of feeling before and I love it, the massive butterflies in my stomach,the blushing,the way my heart leaps when he kisses me and it just feels so right. I turn around and face him, who is currently looking at my with a sly grin. "I have an idea on what we could do tomorrow" I say while my face lights up. "yea? what are you thinking?" "what if we go to the movie theater and see insurgent?" "ally I could have came up with that" he says jokingly, "well you didn't so now it's my idea." He agrees with the plan and we plan to go to the midnight showing of the movie tomorrow night when the concert ends. What we have to figure out,is how we're going to sneak out without Harry questioning us. I sit up in bed and put my hair in a bun before getting up to go to the bathroom and wash my face and change into my pink plaid pajama pants and a pink tank top. When I walk back out of the bathroom Niall is sitting up against the headboard and yawning. I hear someone trying to unlock the door which could only mean Harry is back from his mini trip. He walks in holding cotton candy, a pretzel and a roll of tickets I guess he won from a bunch of games. He walks over to me and hands me the cotton candy and told me he felt bad that Niall and I couldn't make it and he wanted to bring us aback something. I give him a side hug and thank him while i start stuffing my face with the fluffy pink cotton candy . Harry gives Niall the salted pretzel and he slowly picks at it because he still isn't feeling to hot. It's now 9:30 pm and Harry says he's going to head to bed since the concert is tomorrow and he is "so incredibly exhausted" are is exact words. When I finish my cotton candy I still feel extremely hungry, now that I think of it,I haven't eaten since 2 pm and my stomach is killing me. I ask Niall if we have any food in our fridge but the boys crew haven't run down to the store yet to buy some snacks so we're empty. "why? are you still hungry?" "yea I'm feeling pretty sick, but I blame it on not eating for 7 hours. "I think the hotel has a cafe attached to it, wanna check it out?" "yea, I hope it's still open though." I put on my sneakers and don't bother changing again because I don't want the bathroom light to wake up Harry so I just go down in my pajamas. Niall wears his black Ray bands,black tshirt that clings to his chest so perfectly and some dark blue skinny jeans. He opens the door for me and we walk down the hallway and down the 2 flights of stairs to the cafe in the lobby. After our short journey we are faced with a very large cafe that could very easily hold up to 200 people. The setup is like a school cafeteria would be like, there's a lunch line that has a huge assortment of food that you put on your tray before paying for it at your seat. Niall grabs me a tray and we make our way down the line. I don't know what I'm in the mood for, but the French fries look pretty appetizing, although I'll eat anything at this point. We get to the end of the line where the cash register is to pay and I just got French fries,Apple juice and a chocolate chip cookie, Niall got enough food to feed 3 people, but I'm sure he'll finish it knowing his appetite. I go to my back pocket to pull out my $10 bill and Niall stops me , "ally let me pay for this" "no it's fine, I could pay for myself Niall." He cuts me off my shoving his money towards the cashier and paying for both our meals. I bring the tray over to a table and I hug him before I sit down To thank him for paying for me. We sit across from each other in a booth and even though I'm eating I still feel a little under the weather, I must've caught it from Niall,gee thanks dude. "so does this count as our first date?" I look up from my food and think about if for a second, I mean it could be , couldn't it? "if you want it to, it could be..." "I don't know, I think I want tomorrow to be our first official date, but this could be our first unofficial date?" he says with a cute smile . I play along with his antics "alright I guess this means you have to walk me home then too " "I have no problem with that considering your home is also the same room as me" I laugh and tease him saying "I also don't kiss on the first date." "babe I think we're way past that, I mean you kissed me earlier before this unofficial date..." I swat his shoulder and I ask him about the tour . We talked about his favorite memories and countries he's been to for awhile before I started to yawn and we realized we've been at the cafe for over an hour and we're super tired . We get up from our booth to throw away our trays and as we're walking to the elevator he grabs my hand and brings me over to the staircase instead. "what're you found?" I say while giggling ," I figured we'd have more time to ourselves walking up flights of stairs instead of a 10 second elevator ride" he says with a cheeky grin. I think to myself how cute this boy is, i almost wanna pinch his cheeks . our hands are intertwined and his palms are so warm and so soft and they just fit so right together. Once we reach the top of the stairs into our hallway we go to our room and quietly sneak in since Harry is still asleep . I get into my bed and Niall comes over to me and is leaving over me as I lay down "I had a lot of fun tonight " "Niall you do realize we just went down to a hotel cafe for a snack right" I say while goofily smiling at him, "still had fun" he said with a teasing tone. He leans over and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before turning to walk over to his bed. I wish we could cuddle again but since Harry said no more locked doors we couldn't risk getting caught. I turn off my lamp and try to think sweet dreams about Niall and i's date tomorrow...

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