Let the roadtrip begin

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// Harry's P.O.V //
While we were all in the car on the way back to our hotel to pick up our bags, I was scrolling through my phone to keep myself busy and was shocked to see what was all over Twitter. Pictures of my sister from the concert tonight flooded my Twitter timeline . Every fan I followed was tweeting about ally and the hoodie she was wearing . I mean , I have to admit that this does look just like the photo taken from Niall's date but I can't jump to conclusions yet. I did mention it to ally earlier and she swore to me that nothing was going on between her and Niall . I believe my sister , she would never lie to me, but why does this hoodie keep popping up ? This is also one of those things our lovely fans have seem to blow out of proportion, just like everything else. I'm not blaming them , they're just curious about who's dating they're favorite Irish lad and at this point this is they're only answer that makes sense . I don't even know if I want to bring this up again to Niall or ally because trust me, I've known ally my whole life , I already know she'll get frustrated with me if I keep questioning her . I'll just leave it as is and keep an eye out .

// Ally's P.O.V //

After we pull into the hotel garage ,one of the boys security on their team rolls out a luggage cart with all of our stuff on it . I quickly hop out of the car and get my carry on bag that I want to have with me on the bus and not in the trunk the whole time. I grab it and walk over towards the tour bus parked right across from the Land Rover we arrived in. The boys are making their way over towards the bus as well before individually thanking their security and the driver . I've always loved that about them, they're always so grateful and always make sure to thank everyone they work with no matter how big or small their job is. Niall's standing next to me and Harry is talking to zayn by the bus door waiting for the bus to be loaded before we go inside. Louis and Liam are helping load the bus which is really nice because they didn't have to help out .
"what's with the backpack? " Niall says looking confused and pointing towards the bag over my shoulders.
"oh it's my carry on, just some stuff I need while we'll be trapped in the bus for 11 hours ." I say while laughing a little .
" and what are the things you need?" he asks while holding up quotations when he says " need ".
"My charger, toothbrush, a movie, eyemask, and some other stuff ..."
"what other stuff?" he says with a laughing undertone .
"why do you need to know? you're just gonna laugh"
"I won't, I promise "
"my teddy bear " I say shyly .
"aww you still sleep with a teddy bear ?" he says with a cute grin.
"I've had it since I was born, I can't sleep without it, trust me I've tried ."
" who needs a teddy bear when you've got me ?" Niall winks at me .
"shh Harry could hear you " I say giggling at his last statement .
"we should totally watch a movie later though ..." Niall tells me while walking away and getting on the bus with Harry when the door opens. how would we even be able to do that though ? we could try and watch it while Harry's asleep but if he wakes up and sees us in Niall's bunk it'll all go downhill from there. Since it's now like 2 in the morning Liam and zayn are in their top bunks either sleeping or on their phones cause I could still see a vague light shining through the curtains . Louis is passed out in his bunk and Harry is starting to doze off on his bed underneath Zayn's, which also happens to be on the same side as Niall's bunk ,so he couldn't see Niall or me later on which is perfect . My bunk is next to Niall's and right now I'm just scrolling through Instagram trying to get my feed together. I like to see my pictures all matching and having a theme so I'm trying to organize it a but more. I wait another 30 minutes before I peek over the side of my bed and look over to see Harry hugging his pillow and sleeping. I slide down quietly to the floor and open the curtain to Niall's bunk . He's just on his laptop looking through the NIKE online store. He does love his sports wear . I sit next to him and he slides over more so I have room and I lean my head on his arm . "so you have your movie ? " he whispers to me while opening the CD compartment on his laptop .
"yea , here ." I hand him the movie
' Tangled .'
Niall looks at me with an amazing grin , "tangled , really?"
"It's my favorite movie !" I defend myself in a whispering tone .
He slides it in and I see the Disney logo pop up on the screen. Niall gave me headphones to share with him so the movie wouldn't wake anyone up. He puts his right arm around me and I snuggle closer to him as rapunzel starts her opening song . I quietly hum the song to myself since I know it all by heart . I see that Niall noticed but he doesn't say anything, he just turns his eyes towards me and smiles to himself. The movie rolls along and the lantern scene starts to play. Rapunzel starts her song 'I see the light' and this is my favorite part of the movie , because Flynn (Eugene) finally realizes he's in love with her and that she's his new dream. I watch the screen in awe when Niall lifts his head up from resting on top of mine and looks at me. I smile to myself because this is like my own version of the lantern scene. Niall leans closer and kisses me softly , I kiss back just as lovingly . He was so gentle and so caring. This was the moment I realized that Niall was my new dream. All these years I thought Liam was my Prince Charming , but really it was Niall. I've now realized that this has turned into a full make out session. My fingers are running through his fluffy golden hair  and he's leaning on his arm while hovering over me with his other arm on my waist. I open my eyes and catch my breathe while he does the same . I look into his oh so sparkly eyes while he smiles and kisses me on the check before speaking up. He still has his arm draped over my stomach while I'm laying on my back facing up at him.
" So why is that your favorite movie ?"
"I don't know, Cause Rapunzel had a dream and she went for it and she was trapped in her room her whole life with no freedom, now that I think about it , that's how I've felt for a while too, I never left my hometown and all I want is to explore the world and try new things but my parents never want to. I guess i just see a little bit of me in her."
"do you also have magic hair that glows when you sing?" He says jokingly.
"Haha very funny."
"don't worry princess, you'll get to explore one day."
The movie credits start to appear and I yawn starting to drift off since it's now around 4:30 in the morning. My eyes are shut and I'm laying on Niall's chest with my stomach against his and our legs tangled. He rubs his hand on my arm slowly .
"ally " he whispers .
"hmm" I whine .
"you have to go to your bunk before you fall asleep so your brother doesn't catch us in the morning ."
"I don't wanna get up " I say while snuggling closer to him if that's even possible."
"I know princess but you have to "
I just continued to lay there refusing to get up cause all I wanted to do was spend some more time with my boyfriend . I feel him sit up and he puts his arms around my back and under my legs and carries me to my bunk which is right next to his , and in between his bed and Harry's . He lays me down carefully and takes my stuffed animal from the corner of my bed and places it near my arm and I pull it close to me and I drift back to sleep . He kisses my forehead and tells me goodnight.

when I wake up its 10:00 A.M , and we've been on the road for 10 hours which means we've only got 1 hour left until we're in philly ! I'm so happy the trip was overnight so most of the time was wasted sleeping . I drag myself out of bed and put my hair in a ponytail so it's out of my face and walk into the main lounge area of the bus and see the boys all sitting around watching American football on tv. I didn't know they watched this ?
"since when do you guys watch football?"
"we don't but Harry loves the packers so he's got us watching this game." Liam says .
"when did you start liking the packers?" I question Harry. Unbelievable , he's my brother and I didn't even know he liked the packers .
"I just started to like them about a year ago when we were on tour in America last year. "
"oh ok" I say and sit down next to him .
"so what time did you go to sleep last night ? I was exhausted " Harry says striking up a conversation with me.
"oh I think I fell asleep around 4 , I was up watching YouTube videos ."
"those can keep anyone up all night, I'm guilty of it myself ." Harry responds.
I get up and walk a couple feet to the kitchen area and grab a chocolate cereal bar to eat since I was starving .
"ally throw me one please " Niall's calls out to me .
"catch" I throw him a cereal bar and he successfully catches it.
"thanks" Niall says. I start reading a book on my phone from the iBook store. I'm reading allegiant. I read the first two books of the divergent series but now I'm trying to finish the third before the movie comes out . I get so caught up in the book that I didn't even realize it's been 40 minutes already .
"looks like we're officially in philly !" Harry says while clapping .
One thing I did know about him from hearing all his stories was that he and the boys loved Philadelphia . I couldn't wait to walk around and see the stadium and just soak it all in. The boys go to their bunks and start to pack up their travel on duffel bags with all their stuff for the hotel. Well be in philly for 2 nights so we'll just bring our stuff to the hotel for now and bring it back to the bus after the last show .



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