Don't you have the same hoodie?

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// Ally's P.O.V //

Liam is currently on line paying for his new shirts that he's buying, while we wait outside of the store on a bench for him. moments later he makes his way towards us. "ready to go?" he asks . "yea, can we go to the Ferris wheel?" I say excitedly . Earlier when we walked in I noticed the mall had a huge Ferris wheel in the food court, and if you know me , than you would know that I LOVE Ferris wheels. I've always been the adventurous one in the family you could say. I would be the one wanting to go zip lining and parasailing and loving heights , when Harry and my mom were absolutely terrified. We walk across the mall and are stood right in front of the ride when Harry backs out. "Ally , I'm gonna sit this one out" as he goes to sit on the bench next to it. "yea I'm not really a huge fan of heights either, I'll wait with Harry" zayn says as well. "So I guess it's just us four then?" I say optimistically, "yea but the sign says no more than 2 riders on each seat." Liam notices. "oh alright, if you don't mind, I'll ride with you payno" Louis cheerfully speaks up while patting Liam on the back. I silently squeal in my head because that meant me and Niall would get to go together . The wait was short since there are so many seats to fill and it goes by quickly. Liam and Louis get in the seat first and they start to go up , then the ride stops so Niall and I could get on. I sit on the inner side and he sits next to me rather than across from me. Once we feel the ride starting and the thrill of being lifted up, he turns to me and gives me a sweet kiss on the cheek. "what was that for?" I blush while giggling a bit when I ask him. "nothing, just cause your so perfect , I couldn't resist." "awww" I say while giving him a kiss back and his cheeks turn a dark shade of pink. I always knew Niall was the sensitive one of the boys from the way Harry would talk about him and the interviews where I've seen him get emotional. I never knew how special he could make you feel though. Out of 12 thousand or more people in this mall he makes you feel like the only one there, like the only one that matters. the ride brings us around the top 2 more times before it lets us off at the bottom to meet with zayn and Harry. Niall gets out first and holds out his hand to help me down from the small ledge. I grip his soft hand and step down, my hand lingers on his a little longer than expected but I had to let go at some point. Liam and Louis get off after us and lead the way to my brother. Once they see us they stand up and walk with us past a few stores . Harry tries to crack a joke to Niall and teases him  "you sure your little mystery girl won't get jealous that ally went on the Ferris wheel with you?" Niall breathes out a short (very noticeably fake) laugh and responds, " Nope she'll live." Harry directs his attention to something else and it strikes me by suprise . " hey ally , I was thinking, don't you have the same hoodie as the girl Niall was out with?" "yea , and?" I say trying to sound as uninterested as possible. Niall turns his head and makes eye contact with me and kind of signals to me with the look he's giving to try and make something up . Harry can't see this cause he's facing me as well and Niall is on the other side of him so he's very oblivious to this. "oh just wasn't you right?" he says smiling, but not the happy kind of smile, more like a 'Im nervous my sister might be going out with my best friend and I'll go ballistic if she is' kind of smile. "well I mean stores do sell multiples of the same product Harry, I say while laughing and trying to make him sound dumb. "my Hoodie isn't the only one in existence"  "yea I know , just making sure." I was trying my best to conceal and control my blush that was creeping up on my face. It's not the kind of blush you get when you're complimented or with your favorite boy, it's the kind of blush you get when you have anxiety . I'm blushing cause I don't know if he's going to continue buying my excuses , what if one day I slip up ? After we get back to our hotel , the boys and their team start getting ready to leave for the stadium in the next hour. the one thing I have noticed from being on tour with them for only a week and a half is that they are constantly on the go. Always going from one place to the next, they never have time to sit down and take a nap or relax besides when they're backstage, and at that point all they want to do is play sports or wrestle each other . They get changed in the hotel room for what they're gonna wear On stage so once they get to the stadium, all they have to get done is their hair and vocal warm ups. they walk out in the main living room area in their new outfits and they all look so fresh and done up. But Niall stole my attention the second I saw him enter the room, he looked amazing. You may think I'm exaggerating because all he was wearing was an orange crew neck sweatshirt and black skinny jeans, but that outfit worked wonders on this boy. I noticed the other boys were wearing warmer apparel too and questioned it since they'd be sweating so much on stage. "why are you all dressed so warmly?" "Harry checked the weather earlier and saw it was supposed to be chilly out tonight" Liam told me. "yea, you should grab a hoodie or something before we leave, don't want you getting sick." Niall spoke genuinely . "yea, I'll grab one before we leave." They start walking out of the door to our room and wait by the elevator while I'm rushing out the door. I have a pile of my hoodies and sweatshirts next to the door because I sleep in them at night , so they pile up after a few days. On the way out I just grab one from the top of the pile and quickly throw it on before joining the boys in the elevator . 2 hours later and the beginning of their concert I was sat in my usual spot which is in between the barrier and stage with Lou and lux. The concert was amazing as always and I could never get tired of seeing and hearing them perform. later on when we're in the car ride back to our hotel , I check Twitter and see what I wasn't expecting at all.
"omg guys ally is the mystery girl"
"I hate her so much, why is she even going near Niall"
"guys chill we don't know if they're just friends or dating"
"so sad to see that ally is the one that has Niall's heart but I don't want to believe it until he confirms it himself"

It was then that I realized that the hoodie I grabbed from the top of my pile must've been the most recent hoodie that I wore , aka the one I wore on my date with Niall. And a fan that was sitting in the section next to me got pictures of me at the concert in the hoodie and now the entirety of Twitter is blowing up. I don't know what to do, I already told Harry I wasn't going out with Niall , but if he sees all over Twitter "proof" or more evidence to convince him that I'm the girl than he could go haywire ! Even though Niall is sitting next to me, I don't want to make it obvious , so I just text him a screenshot of the tweets I saw and texted him basically asking him what to do. He has his ringer off, but he has on his vibration settings, so once I hear his phone vibrate I know he got my text. He opens it and his eyes go wide and look like pure panic when he first sees it. he starts typing quickly and I get a message right away. I have my vibrations and ringer off so it doesn't look obvious when we text .
this was our messages ...

N - how did they find out ?!
A - a fan got pictures of me in the hoodie at the concert
N - do you think Harry will care? cause you just debunked his theory earlier..
A - I have no idea, I think if he sees the pictures and everyone on Twitter talking about it, he'll get more suspicious
N - I don't really know what to do, but let's just play it out by ear for now because we don't even know if Harry will react
A - true, but you have to at least "deny" it on twitter so it looks legit that we aren't together
N - alright 😢

"oooh looks like Niall's texting his mystery girl" Louis says teasingly and nudges Niall's arm. I forgot how fast we were texting eachother , and I also forgot his vibrations were on, which meant every 10 seconds he was getting a notification. "shut up" Niall said in a way that sounded more like an embarrassed tone than a harsh tone. I saw that Niall just tweeted and went to check it out .
" Hey guys, I hope you can all accept that I can be friends with girls and not be dating them, please stop with the rumors . " it was short , simple and to the point. I favorited it so it looked even more legit. I immediately saw the mood change on twitter and saw a sign of relief come across thousands of girls who were going through a breakdown . But now all I have to do is wait for the very expected questioning from the guy I know as my brother ....

Hey guys I'm so sorry I didn't update quickly, i was torn between holidays and midterms in school but I put together this chapter and I hoped you liked it, I promise I'm going to be on more often to update and I already have an idea of what's going to happen in the next 2-3 chapters so stay tuned 😏
And leave comments below on what you think will happen in the next chapters to come ?

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