Id risk being sick...

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** Ally's P.O.V **

The next morning when I wake up, it's 10 A.M and I feel a strong hold around my waist. I remember from the night before,how depressed and heartbroken I was. I also remember how caring Niall was and helped me in a time of need.i stay in his grasp and turn around so we're facing each other even though he's still sleeping. I stare at him for a while, his hold on me is so tight, as if I'm his teddy bear. And it's that same scent I smell when I lean into his chest that I recall from the day I met him, so warm, so comforting. I examine his face. His facial feature is so relaxed and so still. I look at every inch of his face and come to realize things I never got to before. I see how his cheeks are naturally a perfect shade of rosy red, his lips look so smooth and soft , his chin dimple makes his baby face even cuter, his light brown eyelashes so long, his pale skin so flushed and he looks as if he's glowing. It's this moment in time that I begin to realize that I have a crush on Niall...
It couldn't be a rebound crush could it? I mean I know Liam broke my heart and all, but I think I've always had at least a minor crush on Niall since the day I saw him. I start to think back to all the times me and Niall have shamelessly flirted, all the times he's complimented me,all the glances we've caught each other giving, and all the times I needed comfort and a shoulder to cry on, Niall was the one to go to. As I'm having an epiphany I hear Niall speak up, "enjoying the view?" oh my god his raspy morning voice, I could get used to hearing that. I look flustered and thank the lord that his eyes are still closed, I don't know how to respond. "I just woke up" is all I could think of, he flutters is eyes open and stares into mine with a slight grin on his face. The moment we were having was rudely interrupted by Harry pounding on the door that we had locked the night before. I panicked and run to my bed to lay on so He can't see that I was with Niall all night. Niall stands up and goes to unlock the door, "yes Harry?" Niall says nervously. "why was the door locked?" Harry says with a deeper voice than normal,he almost sounds accusing, which I can't blame him for , because something did happen,just not what he's thinking. "oh, well I must have locked it by accident when I came out of the bathroom last night, my bad" Niall lies right through his teeth. Harry's eyes wander around the room for a second to see if anything is out of place, more specifically, me. He sees that everything is normal and believes Niall's lie, he does make sure to leave though after telling Niall to not lock the door again "or else." I guess we're off the hook for now, that was a close call. Today the boys have the day off and we are flying to buffalo,NY within the hour since it would be a 7 hour car ride. The boys are performing at Ralph Wilson stadium tomorrow night, they can't wait. Everyone starts to pack up all their belongings and clothes and what not before we head for checkout. Harry goes to the front desk to go Sign checkout and return the room keys while the rest of us wait in the hallway across the hall. Liam and Louis went back into the room to go help their security bring down the rest of the luggage and recording equipment. Which leaves me,Niall and zayn, and he had to run to the bathroom before the journey ahead. So I guess fate decided they would leave me and Niall together once again...would you look at that. So we're standing next to each other when he leans in to whisper something in my ear, "you okay today?" and I just respond my nodding. He still sees the hurt in my eyes and gives me a quick hug and tells me I can talk to him anytime I want. I thank him, because it's a relief I can talk to at least 1 person in this group without feeling embarrassed or belittled. Harry returns to us and asks where the rest of the guys went and we told them, and that's when we see Liam and Louis rolling the luggage cart down the hall. We unpack everything into the trunk of the Land Rover and wait in the car for Zayn to come out, once he does we are driven to JFK airport for our flight to buffalo. Traveling with the worlds biggest bands has its props you know, we get our own private plane and don't have to wait in the terminal.As we're boarding our plane, I step inside and see how fancy it is, I don't think I'll ever get used to this type of luxury. The plane has 10 seats and a back door which leads into a room full of bunks identical to ones on a tour bus. The guys all take their seats and there's an awkward silence at first before Harry begins to dig for some information. "so now that we're all here ally, can you please tell us what happened last night? I won't let you get off this plane before you spill." I squirm in my seat and lock eyes with Niall across the room where he's sitting. He sees the fear in my eyes and speaks up for me. "dude I thought we agreed last night that she doesn't have to talk about it if she doesn't want to." "Well it's the next day and she still looks hurt and so I want to know what's up" Harry says worriedly. I run my fingers through my hair and bite the nail on my thumb before finally coming to my senses and getting this over with. I mean even if I do tell Harry that I had a crush on Liam, he can't get that made can he? cause it's not like we even dated or anything. I take a deep breathe and here it goes. "First off I just want to say that I'm fine now, but I got upset last night because I saw something I didn't want to see.." I spoke while tears were starting to form in my eyes. They look confused at first and Liam then asks a simple question "well what caused you to be so upset last night?" And that's when I snapped, I couldn't help myself, I had so much anger towards him right now that it just made sense to take it out on him. "Shut up Liam ! your the last person I want to be talking to right now, this is all your fault! if you haven't been so perfectly charming and such a flirt then Maybe I wouldn't have fallen for you! you think me running out last night, after I saw you kiss Sophia was a coincidence? well then if so then your blind as a bat! I can't believe I ever even liked you , your such a jerk! how could you be flirting with me yesterday and leading me on when you knew you had a girlfriend!" I say while breathing heavy and angry tears falling from my face. I look around after my speech and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Harry is speechless and dosnt know what to say at first but Liam sure knows what he wants to say back to me "I am not a jerk! dont you dare talk to me like that ally! you think just cause your Harry's sister that I'll kiss up to you at the drop of a hat, well think again" a pang of hurt hit my chest and I can't believe what's happening right now "I'm sorry if you thought I was ever interested but I wasn't , it was just me being friendly, but even if me and Sophia ever broke up I still wouldn't want to be with you after this, your so clingy and I hate girls like that!" I look at him for a minute before storming off into the back room with the bunks. I go lay face down on a my bunk and hold my pillow close to me as I sob into it . Shortly I feel someone scoot me over and I feel the bunk dip beside me, I know exactly who it is, I know that scent anywhere. He lays on his side facing me and rubbing my back. I turn my face towards the other side because I don't want him to see me like this, at least last night it was dark out. "ally please face me" I give in because he sounded so concerned and the least I could do is face the poor guy. I go to face him and he is leaning on his hand while examining my face. The tears have slowed down and he leans his hand in to wipe away the remaining reminders of my pain. Niall gives me a very long talk after that. "Listen to me,and listen to me carefully, you are one of the sweetest most caring girls I've ever met,your beautiful and you can't let a jerk like Liam mess that up. I know it may hurt now , because you've loved him for years but trust me babe, you are going to meet someone so much better than him. You don't deserve him,he wouldn't know what an amazing girl is if she was standing right in front of him. Promise me you'll be okay?" he puts his pinkie out for me to swear . I lean into him and hug him instead, I have my face in the crook of his neck and close my eyes not wanting this to end. I kiss his cheek and tell him that that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. "anytime princess." Harry comes in right away yelling at me, he catches Niall sitting next to me on my bed,this day just gets worse doesn't it? "what the hell was that? and why is he on your bed?" I tell him that I only had a simple crush on Liam and that now I know he's not even worth my time, he tells me that he's mad at me for not letting him know, and I only responded by saying that I knew he would he's doing now. "and as for Niall, he came in here after me ,after your so called "mate" decided to throw me under the bus since nobody else wanted to come to my rescue" he looks shocked at my response because I never talked back to him like that, Harry Doesn't know what to say because he knows what I said was true, nobody besides Niall came to see if I was fine after that whole fight. He just shakes his head and walks out. Honestly, I'm shocked that Harry even left Niall in here with me for the rest of the flight, but I guess he understands that he's the only one who understands me at the moment. So when he leaves and closes the door Niall asks me if I want to watch a movie with him. I agree and he goes to his bunk to get his portable DVD player and brings it back up to mine. We decide on hunger games: catching fire , it's one of my favorite movie series. We cuddle up next to each other in my bunk and he has his arm around me while I lean my head against his chest as we watch the movie begin.I don't know if I've ever felt a feeling like this before, not even when Liam hugged me. Right now I feel at home if that makes sense. Niall is so warm and so welcoming and he is so soothing and if I thought I had butterflies with Liam than that's nothing compared to what I have right now with Niall. Halfway through the movie I catch Niall staring at my profile through the corner of my eye, I don't turn to him because I don't want to make things awkward but his gaze is very intense. eventually he pays his attention back to the screen and the movie ends . I got a text from Harry saying that we will be landing soon . Thank god we took the plane instead of the tourbus because I wouldn't have been able to bear the tension for 6 more hours. We feel the plane land and the pilot announces we've arrived in buffalo.Niall gets off the bed and holds out his hand to help me get down from my bunk, since we were hanging out on the top bed. I gently grab his soft hand and thank him and he gets his bag and we walk out to the main room where it's now empty. The boys must have just gotten off. We head to the plane exit and the security guards lead us to the car while we see a group of fans in the distance, waiting for a chance to see the boys. We take our seats and I want to imagine myself in any other place but here. The tension and awkwardness is so heavy you wouldn't even be able to cut through it with a saw.i sit with my hands in my lap and lean my head against the window this time, rather than Niall's shoulder, I'm not looking to start anymore unnecessary drama.I know I'm going to have to talk it out eventually because I can't ignore Harry and Liam the rest of the summer... Actually I can't ignore Harry all summer, but I can do without Liam . After our short car ride , we're not in motion anymore and our doors are opened for us by valet parking security at our new hotel. I take a step out and take a deep breathe before walking towards the hotel entrance, almost feeling like deja vú from the first day I met them. I walk alone to the front desk and ask for a room key. Apparently we have 2 rooms again, hopefully the same roommates as last time. Our rooms are next to each other and by the time I arrive in front of room 136 the boys have followed behind me. I unlock the door and sit on the first bed I see and just look around at my settings . Niall and Harry walk in and Harry sits next to me and gives me an apologetic look. He puts his hand on my shoulder and starts to apologize for Liam's behavior and his own reaction to the news. "listen ally, Liam is one of my best mates, I'm not going to throw away a friendship that good over an argument you guys had, but I'm also not defending him. What he said was wrong and I shouldn't have let him talk to you like that, I'm sorry." I see in his eyes that he truly means what he's saying and I lean in for a hug. Harry hugs me back and tells me I hope this hasn't ruined the rest of my summer, because he was really looking forward to spending more time with me.  I Ruffle his thick hair and tell him that I'm not going anywhere. with that, he gets up and says he's going to go down to the hotel cafe and get something for lunch, I tell him to bring me back a salad and he nods .Once he leaves our room I lay back on my bed with my hands on my stomach and stare up at the ceiling. Niall sits next to me and looks down at me, I notice his face is red and it can't be him blushing because I haven't done anything to make him blush... "Niall are you feeling ok?" "I don't know, I feel really cold but that's about it,why?" I sit up and scoot closer to him and I put my hand to his forehead and push back some of his blonde locks as I feel his temperature. "Niall your hot." "I knew that, but I didn't think you'd be this open about admitting it to my face" he says with a cocky smirk. "no dummy, I mean your forehead is burning up, I think you have a fever." he scrunches his eyebrows together looking confused because of his earlier statement about being cold. I go to the bathroom and find an in ear thermometer to use on Niall. I bring it over to him on the bed and I hold his head still with my hand while I take his temperature in the other. While the thermometer is determining his body heat, he has the most intense gaze looking into my eyes the entire time. I have to admit, his baby blues are to die for. our faces are a couple inches from each other and I find myself getting lost in his sparkly ocean deap blue eyes. I haven't had this opportunity to be this close to his face before, but now that I have it, I take in the moment and see that the most beautiful boy is sitting right in front of me. For what feels like minutes was actually only 15 seconds and the beep of the thermometer breaks our focus on each other. I read his temperature and its 101.4 . "Niall you have a fever!" "but I'm freezing , this doesn't make sense." "well, when I was little I used to get cold too when I had a fever, I think sometimes that's a side effect when your body temperature is so hot." "oh, yea that makes sense". I tell Niall he should lay down and rest, cause he isn't looking to well. He lays down on his pillow and he pulls the covers up to his chin, poor thing, he must feel ice cold. The hotel has a tv on the wall across for us and we bought the tv package to watch Netflix on it so I look through the categories. I ask what genre he wants to watch, and he said he loves horror movies so I look in that category. We finally settle on one of the paranormal activity movies, which of course is my least favorite. I don't know why,cause I love scary movies and all, but ghost/paranormal horror movies always scare me the most and I really dislike them.Niall is the one who I'm trying to make feel better, so I don't complain when he chooses that movie. I lay in my bed while he lays in his and I notice how he has 2 blankets on up to his chin,a grey sweatshirt on and socks but is still shivering half to death. I know this is not the time, but Maybe if I go and lay with him I'll warm him up... I get up and go over to his bead and pull the covers off him for a split second trying to conserve the heat he's been trying to get this past 20 minutes and slip under the covers next to him. His head is turned towards me and he has a cute smile on his face, almost pleased with himself. "don't take this the wrong way,but what made you come here?" I look up at him and say "I noticed you were still freezing and thought I would warm you up?" He hugs me close to him and we cuddle for a while as the movie starts. During certain scenes of the movie I would flinch if a scary part creeped up on us or if I know a scene is coming up I don't like I'll hide my face in his chest. Niall obviously takes note of my actions and sees I'm not taking this movie lightly.He leans over and takes the remote off the dresser next to us and switches off the T.V . "why'd you turn it off?" "cause I could tell you were getting scared, I could feel you shaking ally..." I tell him sorry for shaking but he tells me not to apologize . I'm still cuddling with him, with my hand on his chest and our legs intertwined and he lays on his back when he speaks up "can I ask you something?" I tell him of course, and he asks his question. "why were you so caught up in Liam all these years?" he asks me the same question, I've been asking myself for days now. All I could tell him was what I honestly could come up with, "I don't know to be honest, I thought of him as such a sweet guy and he looked like he would be so nice and caring and he's so perfect like he's beautiful and his voice is amazing but after Sunday night, I try not to think of him anymore." Niall tells me that Liam has never been that rude before, "I think he was just frustrated and lashed out on you because him and Sophia have been drifting lately and he's been down in the dumps these past days ,so he took it out on you, which is no Excuse." I agree with him and just lay on him for a quiet minute before I speak up again. "Niall..." "yea?" "do you know what I finally figured out last night?" "what was it?" "I realized, that I have been infatuated with the wrong guy all these years" "why? who do you like now?" he says with concern. "well, everything I just described about Liam never turned out to be true, he never once proved any of those traits to me, but this other guy, he is so sweet and he's always there for me, and he has proven so much to me and I have been so blind to see that I was crushing on the wrong person." "And his name is?" "Niall, it's you." His eyes shot open and he had the biggest smile on his face while trying to control it so he didn't look overly excited about what I just said. "finally figured it out yea?" I giggle a little before pushing back his hair a bit so I could feel his forehead again, his temperature feels the same so I don't know if he's getting better or not. After I take my hand off of his forehead, I run my fingers through his hair a couple times,ever so gently. He's staring into my eyes as I soak this all in. There's just so much going through my mind right now, his hair is so distracting and soft and silky and thick, I wanna play with it all day, and his eyes I already warned you about earlier, they're unbelievably striking and easy to get lost in. I'm looking at his face and his eyes keep glances back from my eyes to my lips every so often so I take the hint and start to lean in slowly. Right as we're about to kiss, he whispers something to me, "I'm sick, I don't know if you want to wait or not.." his lips are so close to mine when he talks That I feel his lips moving and brush up against mine. "id risk getting sick then." and with that I closed the space between our faces and kiss him, I cup his cheep in my hand and he has both his arms around my waist and we're both still laying on the bed. his breathe is minty and fresh. I got instant butterflies when I was kissing him,nothing like I'd ever felt before, his lips are so smooth and soft and he pulls away after a minute and then gives me another short sweet kiss right after to finish it off. We open our eyes and look back at each other, he looks the happiest that I've seen him since I've met him. He cuddles me back to his chat and tells me that he's always had a crush on me and that he's been waiting for this moment for a while. And after that statement I pop my head back up and give him a quick kiss on the corner of his moth teasing him. He grins at me and kisses my forehead before saying how crazy this is that we wound up finding each other. Harry texts me and says he's coming back up with my salad now , so I get out of Niall's bed and sit on the edge of my own so Harry doesn't suspect anything when he comes up. Moments later we hear the door opening and he walks in with my food. I smile at him and say thank you before going to eat at the table in the corner of my room. Harry tells us that we have the day off today and wants to know what we want to do. "I'm actually not feeling to well Harry, I think I'm just gonna stay in today." "oh ok,feel better bro" "oh Harry, I might stay in with Niall too, cause since you told me earlier you and the guys were gonna go to the amusement park I don't wanna leave Niall by himself all day... He doesn't question me, because what I said does make sense and doesn't sound like I'm gonna try anything, so he allows it . He changes his clothes and puts his hair in a bun before saying bye and leaving again. we wait a couple minutes after he leaves to make sure he's gone and I go back to Niall's bed.He starts having a sneezing fit and turns to the other side and sneezes into his arm. I say bless you and we just lay there together afterwards. His eyes look teary eyed from sneezing so much and he yawns. "why don't you take a nap?harry won't be back until tonight." He takes my advice and kisses my cheek before closing his eyes, I lay on his chest and it rises and falls slowly and peacefully his heartbeat is pretty fast, I wonder if it's cause of me? I trace circles on his chest and eventually I fall asleep as well.

// Authors note //

Hey guys, I'm so happy this chapter finally came, I know you have been waiting a while for it , but comment your opinions on the whole situation.
Will they get caught? will they date? what would Harry think? Let me know what you're feeling about this story so far. And if your enjoying it please vote/comment and tell your friends and tweet about It. Much appreciated 💜

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