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Sherlock leans down towards the body and exclaims, "Syringa vulgaris!"

"Excuse me?" Eleanor asks.

"Oh come one, Eleanor, take one whiff of it!" He exclaims, motioning his hand towards the body. "She's practically drowning  in it!"

Eleanor leans in. "Lilacs?"

"Yes, of course, that's what I said," Sherlock says. "That has to have some connection- never mind the body, what's the connection from lilacs and Sodium Benzoate?" He paces away from the body and closes his eyes, creating a steeple with his hands. 

"Sherlock, I'm pretty sure the body's the more important thing in this case," Eleanor says. Eleanor rakes through her brain. "Hold up. We've been missing something completely important. Something we glazed over."

"What?" Lestrade asks when Sherlock doesn't reply.

"Mr.Kreisler has TWO secretaries. Remember the first body, Sherlock? Nancy Pennington was Mr.Kreisler's scretary and this woman, Penelope Jane, is ALSO his secretary," Eleanor explains. "Last time I thought, people normally only had ONE secretary."

"One of them must have been lying," Sherlock says.

"Nancy has a husband," Eleanor states.

"A lot of people cheat." 

Eleanor sighs. "Unhappily married people cheat, not people who have been dating since high school. No, they would most likely divorce then become friends if that were the case. Nancy Penelope did not cheat on her husband."

"You expect an unmarried widower to cheat with her boss?" Sherlock asks, glaring at Eleanor. "You told us the barrister gave her his number." He lifts up a card from the desk that says, Call me <3  with a number on the back of it.

"That's it!" Eleanor says. 

"And in her phone that number already has a contact name?" Sherlock asks, flashing a purple phone Eleanor's way.

"When did you-?"

"That's not the point," Sherlock grumbles. "The point is I'm right and your  wrong. Nancy Pennington did  cheat on her husband and Penelope Jane was the secretary all along. Now, where was I- ah, yes. The mystery of Syringa vulgaris and Sodium Benzoate. Now, my first guess would be the sodium benzoate was there to preserve- that's what its made for- but putting the flowers in that would kill it. Who wants dead flowers? So, there must be another thing. Syringa vulgaris have a very alluring smell. Maybe it's here to mask a smell. Or to cover up something that the killer doesn't want us to find..."

"The white powder in her hair?" Lestrade asks.


Eleanor sighs and goes towards the corner, closer to where the body is. "Alright Eleanor. You can do this." She takes a few glances over the body then begins. "Okay, so she's obviously been working. She's hunched over the desk and her computer's still running. She's wearing a pale green blouse, a darker shade of that green skirt, and light green heels- they're taken of, so she must have been uncomfortable for a long time then took them off. Her earrings match her outfit- she must have planned this outfit. She's got a gold chain around her neck and its brand new... A gift from her new boyfriend? Back to the point, Eleanor... Her identity card says she's twenty-four. Her hair is a light brown- that is, until the small bullet wound with a trickle of blood. Her lip has a very distinctive pout to it. American? Maybe... must have moved here for uni. Let's talk about her death."

"She was working- her hands are still positioned on the keyboard- and, what, the window shatters which was the perfect distraction to kill her? No, there was no entry from the building... A gunshot, maybe. Shattered the window, she turned her head, then looked back to her desk to call security, then another shot to the back of the head. Then that means..." Eleanor moves to the opposite side of the room and inspects the wall for a bullet hole. She smiles when she finds one. Eleanor then moves to Penelope's body. She inspects the phone and sighs with relief when she sees 999  dialed into the phone.

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