Chapter 3 *REWRITTEN*

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Nolan's POV

I helped Ebony down the stairs, I figured that it would be easier to feed her downstairs, while I had Jay clean the guest room and my tub since he was the one that pulled the mom card. I was trying to avoid having anyone see Ebony, in case she freaked out again.

I put Ebony on a bar stool next to the kitchen island- that way I can watch her while I cook.I even thought ahead and brought down a notebook while she was sleeping; I think that she was drawing or something with how much focus she put into it.

When my little wolf didn't answer me when I asked her if she wanted something to eat, I got nervous. I knew that the concept of eating on a regular basis might be hard for her, but her eyes looked glossed over. What is going on in that pretty little head of hers?

I know.

Care to share with the rest of the class, dingus? I asked him as I started to beat eggs.

Not when you call me mean names.

Then can you tell me how you know?


Who are you talking about?

Eva, mate's wolf?

Okay and?

And she's waking up.

Has she told you why she was dormant?

Yes. Nox growled while I started putting the food on the stove. For such an annoying and childish wolf, Nox is extremely care free. The last time I heard him growl was when Jay ate the last slice of pizza- sadly, Nox was the rational one out of the two of us.

Can you tell me?

Sorry, Eva says that she'll kill me.


So are you.

Can you at least tell me what Eva looks like? I asked him.

Sorry man, I can only hear her. And talk to her but that's about it.

Fine- leave me you useless-

Oh, I'm the useless one? You ignored mate! Closing the connection, I noticed that Ebony was holding up the notebook.

Walking towards Ebony, the notebook read- "Do u want for me to cok?"

"No, no, no it's fine." I told her. "You just sit here and relax."


"Yes, it's okay." I paused, putting a pot next to her. "I'm going to go back to cooking, if you need anything, anything at all- bang on this pot."

"U sre?"

"Yep, it's loud enough for me to hear you okay?"


I had no clue on what to make her; I actually don't think she would have cared what I made her. Maybe I should get her gummy worms, she'd always loved gummy worms. Actually now that I'm thinking about it, when was the last time she ate? "When was the last time that you ate, Little Wolf?" She just shrugged. "Do remember what you had last?" Actually got a shake this time- at least that's something. Eggs and toast might be the best thing for her. I sat the plate of food in front of Ebony; she started at it before staring back at me. "Go ahead, you can eat."


I wouldn't mind eating her.

Shut up Nox, that's not what she meant.

Little Wolf  *Being Rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now