Chapter 9 *REWRITTEN*

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 Nolan's POV

It's been about three hours since I last saw Dina when she had taken Ebony's blood before bringing it to the lab. In the last three hours, Ebony has had two seizures, went into v-fib, and is currently hooked up to a respirator. What the hell is going on with her?

"Nol, did you find out what happened?" Teddy asked gently, walking into the room, my eyes never wavering from my little wolf.

"No, I've been replaying the whole day in my head. The only time I even left her side was when you two went into Victoria's Secret- did anything happen in there?" I wasn't blaming Teddy for anything- I need to know if she saw anything. "I was with her nearly the whole time."

I could feel the vein in my neck start to pulse. "Nearly?" Nolan calm down.

"They took her to the back to measure her but they wouldn't let me go with her. Trust me I tried."

"Was there anyone there that might have been a threat?"

Rolling her eyes. "It's a human mall."

"Any shifters?" Breathe Nolan.

"There were a lot of female weres in there, Anyone could have gotten to her without me knowing."

"Shit, I'm going to find Dina, see if they found anything. Can you stay here and watch her."

"Of course."

"Have Jay come up and watch her as well."

With me spending time with Ebony, I have Jay working in the cells; I want Ebony to trust him before I completely leave her alone with him. I think she at least trusts Teddy and at this point I'm not even sure if she trusts me; I wouldn't blame her if she didn't- those bastards nearly killed her!

You could have said please. Or thank you.

I walked down the corridors of the hospital until I found the lab. "Dina have you found anything yet?"
"Yes, we found silver and wolfsbane in her system." She paused, not looking up from the microscope. "We also found trace amounts of orange as well, why would they put orange in it?"

"Ebony is allergic to oranges."

"That makes more sense." She mumbled writing something down on her chart.

"Any idea how this could have- that motherfucker!" I punched the wall, leaving a small dent in it. That stupid Gamma had to have told one of his packmates what was going on and had one of them try to kill her.

That stupid bastard! He harmed mate!

I know Nox.

What are we going to do?

Tell Keith to bring him down to the torture house.

I like that idea. Maybe you are smart.


"Oh, um what is your plan?"

"We are hoping that putting her on dialysis for two days will remove most of the toxins from her and if that doesn't work we are going to have to take more drastic measures."

"And those are?"

"We'll cross--"

Soon an attending ran into the lab. "Doctor- she's having another seizure."

Ten minutes later, Dina had stopped the seizure and I was by my mate's side, in wolf form. Nox had lost it when he heard that Ebony had her third seizure in three hours and took over. He had gotten up on the bed and laid down with his head on Ebony's stomach. So far we had growled at three attendings and Dina while they were hooking her up to the dialysis machine- that was until we saw her blood pressure drop. I just found her, I can't lose her!

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