Chapter 11 *REWRITTEN*

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 Ebony's POV

Normally when I wake up, Nolan is right besides me but I've learned when he has to work in the cells, he leaves really early and has about ten guards standing watch. Walking downstairs, I could see the cake that we made last night had a small slice taken out of it. I wonder if Nolan would get upset if I had a slice of it for breakfast.

No he won't

You promise?

Yes, mate is really nice. He won't mind

I've learned that while my wolf is really helpful with telling me when Nolan is just playing around but at the same time she tells me somethings that don't make sense.Going over to the cabinets, I tried to get a plate. However like everything else, the cabinets are a million times larger than me.

"Ebony what are you doing?" I heard Teddy as she came into the kitchen as I was on the countertops.

Busted. "G-getting a p-plate."

"For what?"


"Okay, while Nolan might not care if you eat cake at ten in the morning but I think that it would be best if we gave you some real food first, okay?"


"Let's find something to eat."

While we were eating, I knew that it would be best for me to ask Teddy my questions now, rather than with Nolan around.



"N-nolan and I....w-were talking about t-the m-mating-"
"I can't believe Nolan was actually right this time." Teddy mumbled under her breath. "Okay, Ebony, how do I put this- Nolan doesn't want to rush in telling you all the steps because he's afraid that it might bring up some bad memories for you."

"O-okay." I paused. "W-what d-does i-it m-mean to b-be m-marked?"

"It means, I have to tell Nolan that you want to learn more about it because I honestly have no idea how to explain it without bringing up those memories." She nervously laughed. "I will let Nolan know that you want to learn more."

"O-okay, t-thank you."

"Now, do you want to continue your lessons?"

I nodded. Teddy was helping me with learning how to read and write some more, I personally didn't want Nolan to have to keep reading everything to me- I would rather do it myself.

"Now, the first book you are going to read is To Kill A Mockingbird."

I wonder if it's about someone killing a bird. I wondered

Probably is

"Do-do they kill the-the bird?"

"You'll have to find out."

And I started to read, only stopping to ask Teddy the meaning of a word.

Nolan's POV

Getting home from the cells around five, I let Teddy go back home, after she gave me the rundown of today, before seeing Ebony sleeping on the couch, gripping To Kill A Mockingbird. While it's great to see Ebony learning how to read again, I don't think To Kill A Mockingbird would be the best book to start with- I didn't even read it until I was in eleventh grade.

As I placed a blanket over my little mate, taking the book away and placed it on the coffee table- she was already halfway done- how does she read that fast? Smiling down at her, she looked extremely peaceful, as if she didn't have a care in the world.

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