Chapter Three

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Chapter Three~Road Trip!


 The sun was setting. The sky splashed with hues of purple, orange and pink.  Guy and I watched it from inside our tree.  I was reclining against his chest and he had his arms around me.

“You are not angry with me?”  I asked, in our now familiar French.  He shifted position a little, saying,

 “Nay, dear Pixie, for you did believe the prince was up to no good.   Did he try....?”

 “To have his wicked way with me?   Nay.  He said he would save that for the marriage bed.  But you came to my rescue just as I knew you would.”

 “Is this how it is to be, then?  Hm? Men spiriting you away and I would be to your rescue?”

 Turning my head to look up at him, I replied, “It does make for happy reunions, amongst other things.”  Giving him my best ‘come hither’ look.

 “You best hope I get not too old for such daring feats, for one day I may be bested.”  Guy sighed, with great exaggeration.  “For you would then be at the mercy of your captor.”

 “Then, let us pray that he is handsome and rich that I may live in comfort after you are gone.”  I breathed a sigh of feigned resignation.

 “What did you say?” Guy exclaimed, fake anger in his voice.  Then he pulled me to the floor of the tree and held me down.  “Now,” Guy laughed, “I am your captor.  What are you to do?”

 “There be nothing left but to let you have your way with me.’  I whispered softly, lovingly.


 Once we returned home, we saw that there was a meeting about to start regarding the queen and how to get her home.

 Robin suggested that he, John, Guy and Archer take her the entire way back to Aquitaine, while the rest of us held things down here.

 Immediately I jumped up.  “You shall not go without me!  Eleanor is my friend and I will also see her home safely!  Besides, I have skills that can be useful, like guerrilla warfare.”  They all stared at me, quizzically.

 “That means I can hide in the trees and shoot without being seen, like a sniper.”  They still looked at me, oddly.

 “Oh, forget it!  I can help in defense is what I’m trying to say!”  I sat back down and looked around.

 Kate said, “I can help, too. Aylaina and I can tend to the queen’s needs as well.”

 Nodding in her direction, I said, “Yes, Kate should come, too.”

 Robin and Guy both looked each to the other, and nodded.

 “But you take orders from me.”  Robin said, emphatically, “Or Guy.  Got it?”

 Both Kate and I agreed, and then we all settled down for the night.  We were to leave early in the morning for Portsmouth

 The following morning, Robin gave instructions to Tuck and Much to keep to their mission and watch out for Sheriff George.   He assumed that Prince John would be setting his forces to recapture the Queen Mother but to be on the guard for him just in case he should stay behind to give them trouble.  Wat and David would remain to assist Much and Tuck.

 Saddling up my horse, I packed my gear on his back and mounted,  I had become more skilled at riding and took quite naturally to it once I got the rhythm.  Guy and Archer were already mounted and Kate and Robin were saddling up.  John helped the Queen into her saddle and mounted his horse.  The four of us were ready to return the queen to her home.  Guy and Robin headed up the group, while Kate and I rode with the queen.  John and Archer brought up the rear.

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