The Angels Take Manhattan

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This is by far, the biggest problem I think of when I think of plot holes in Doctor Who, probably because I just watched the episode.

At the moment, I'm going to skip all the numerous plot holes scattered throughout the story and head straight to the big one: Amy and Rory's death.

Rory sees his gravestone that doesn't have Amy's death on it.  He then gets sent back in time by a leftover angel after all of them are supposed to be dead.  Like the Daleks.  Amy gets super sad about this and decides, I'm going to go back in time to live with him and hopes the angel will send me to the exact same time period, therefore changing history by adding her name on the gravestone on Rory's too.  

The Doctor always says time can't be rewritten, not one line of it but he also says time can be rewritten.  So why can't she believe in the Doctor to chance time.

The Doctor also says that he can't go to New York ever again and pick up Amy and Rory when they're stuck there.  Remember that, it's important.

So she looks away from the weeping angel to get sent back in time and the angel moves while the Doctor and River are still looking!

The Doctor starts crying, pretty much ensuring that he's not looking at the angel.  River moves in to comfort him, also obviously not looking at the angel and it chooses not to send them back in time.

Amy's name is on the gravestone with Rory's and they're dead in present time.

Are you already seeing the problems with this?

A) They can leave New York and have the Doctor pick them up in the next state over.  They can leave New York! Nothing is keeping them from leaving!!!

B)The Doctor goes back to New York 5 minutes after he says he can't go back to New York to get Amy's dedication page!!!!! Seriously!!!

What happened to this story!!! Couldn't they have actually died on screen like Adric!!! Or *****!!!  (I consider that companion's death to bee a bit too much of a spoiler)  Does anyone even know who Adric anymore?

Feel free to try to explain this if you have any arguments.

Also, I found that image that basically sums up the entire thing.

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