The Impossible Girl

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Random Doctor Who thought that doest relate to the chapter but, I was watching Fires of Pompeii.  And now it just seems like it's 12 trying to see Donna again.  Although he has a new face so he could probably just see her anyways without killing her.

I know they already explained why 12 looks like that guy but it's sadder to think of it that way.


So, Clara.  The Impossible Girl.

Let's first start with the whole Name of the Doctor thing.

That was a terrible episode.(at least in my opinion)

But anyways, she goes in his time stream and she get's split into millions and billions and trillions of Clara's across the universe.  Always there to save the Doctor.  If you can't see the problems of ruining time itself with all the little changes I don't know what to tell you.

Besides, what about all those times the Doctor died and regenerated.  Shouldn't she have been there?  Did she just know when to let him die or what?

And what about Lake Silencio?

Yes presumably she could have just stopped the Great Intelligence every time and that probably wouldn't create any problems.

But what about those previous times the Doctor encountered the Great Intelligence?


I really don't like Clara.  At all.  The whole Impossible Girl thing was a bad idea.  I liked Dalek Clara and Victorian Clara and that's about it.  Clara Prime is not my favorite.

Anyways, let's see.

Who is your least favorite companion?

If we were going New Who, my answer would be Rose.

I know everybody loves Rose but I can't stand her.  I like Martha, love Donna and 11 Amy and Rory was the perfect dream team but I don't like Rose.

Comment on who's your least favorite is and why if you feel like it.  It's always interesting to see who ends up with all the hate(honestly it's probably Martha).

Samantha out!

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