That Super Duper Huge Plot Hole Known as River Song

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This is truly the biggest of plot holes in Doctor Who: River Song/Melody Pond/Mel Zucker/possibly that woman that headed the church in Time and the Doctor.

Let's start simple, the Doctor and River travel in time in opposite directions.  It's a fact everyone knows.  The first time the Doctor sees her, she's the oldest she ever is while meeting him and he's the youngest he ever is while seeing her.  And they keep to that through the weeping angel episode.

And then the Doctor runs into little Melody Pond.  And then sees older River.  And then sees Mel regenerate into River.  And then sees old River again.  And all the way down the line, 12 sees River right before 10 sees River as she heads off to die.

The time line is all messed up and they don't meet up in opposite orders, they just meet up whenever is convenient for the writers.

Next up, River's sonic.

River said it was the Doctor's old sonic.  12 gave it to her brand new.  He never used it, it wasn't his old sonic.

Plot hole number 3, Mel's knowledge of the Doctor.

Mel learns about the Doctor through little Amelia but all Amelia knows of the Doctor is that Santa sent him to help her with the crack in the wall, he likes fish fingers and custard, and he had a swimming pool in the library.

11 never told her anything about saving worlds and stuff like that.

You know what's up next, plot hole 4.

This is sorta a branching plot hole but it's still a River problem.

Amy's parents were erased from all of time and space.  So Amy can't exist.  That continues on down to River not existing.

Also, Rory got erased from all of time and space so River still can exist.

And all of this happened before the Doctor reset the universe so River couldn't have appeared in Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone, The Pandora Opens/Big Bang.


I'd like to ask whoever happens to be reading this is they have other plot holes they'd like to point out because that's what Whovians like doing, pointing out plot holes or defending Moffat by saying wibbly wobbly time wimey stuff solves all of them.

So feel free to comment any Doctor Who plot holes you have and I might write a chapter about it.

Thank you for reading!

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