chapter 11

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kyle decided to hunt for dinner. cora insisted that she was all right, but gave up when chloe begged her to stay put and rest.

the hike to the place where cora suggested wasn't that far from the cabin; it took him about a mile and a half.

he positioned himself high up in the trees, bow and arrow intact. during cordelia's reign, she taught everyone - every single one - in the coven how to physically protect themselves should they come across grounds where they can't use their powers. sadly, kyle would skip bow and arrow class most of the time to head to martial arts where zoe was assigned to lead.

he was kicked out of memory lane when a faint rustling of leaves reached his ears. the bow already pointed at the direction of the noise.

"it's me, kyle."

chloe emerged behind the bushes, hauling her spear on one shoulder and lifting a bucket with the other hand. she climbed the tree and situated next to kyle, switching gears with a teasing smile on her lips.

they waited there, up in the tree, for the perfect meal to come skimping by.

their potential target made movements on kyle's left. it was hard to predict where it would be going though because there was a big tree blocking the way.

the swishing of the leaves became louder, more evident to the both of them. they looked at each other, kyle mouthed "we go down" and chloe nodded.

they climbed down the tree quietly and tiptoed - or at least tried to - their way towards the noise.

then it shifted behind them, which sent confusion.

"how the hell did that happen?" he thought just as a body slowly creeped out behind a tree - the tree they were settled not a few minutes ago.

chloe gasped behind him.

"k-kyle." she stammered. "it's her."

even though frightened, kyle stood up straight and pointed a spear at the woman. she laughed and threw kyle against a tree with just the slight movement of her fingers.

his body ached so bad, but it pained him most to hear chloe scream.

"kyle, i can't move my arms." then she started moving stiffly, on the trail leading to the cabin. "she's controlling me. help, kyle! kyle!" her voice faded out and so did the woman in black.


kyle tore through the forest and almost kicked the door open when it was clicked open. he obviously fell on the ground, out of breath.

"kyle, are you ok?" cora asked nervously.

kyle tried to hold back a laugh and simply nodded.

"where's chloe?"

"she passed out even before she reached the door. it like - it just bursted open, the door, at its own will and then she just flopped on the floor." she talks fast when she's alarmed, he noticed.

"it has to be witches." kyle claimed, earning a glare from kyle.

"now's not the time to joke, kyle."

"i'm being serious." she quirked an eyebrow at him. "ok. so i'm gonna share a small portion of my life, tell me you won't see nothing wrong with me after all is said. deal?" cora nodded, interest gleaming behind her whiskey eyes.

"i died in a bus crash, but then zoe - my wife - and one of her room mates." he paused. "yeah, i guess you can call them room mates."

cora coughed and so he continued.

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