Chapter Six

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Really want to write a Les Mis book, especially now that it is closing. Should I? I don't know.

+ Rachel +

"I don't want to go," I whine as I start to pack my suitcase.

"Is this because of Josh or because of Sky?" Morgan asks.

"Both," I sigh while flopping face down on my bed. Rehearsals start in two days and we are leaving for New York tomorrow. "Josh and I have barely talked in two months, I'm dying without him," I say into my pillow.

"Now you'll be together everyday you'll have to talk," she points out.

"It won't be the same, it will never be the same."

It's true. Nothing will ever be the same. Especially with both Sky and Josh in the cast. Say I decide I would never date Sky in a million years and just want to be friends and then get back together with Josh. Josh will always think or worry that I'd rather be with Sky. Also say I do decide I want to date Sky then Josh will feel even worse about the situation.

Unless of course Josh is over it. If he's over me. What if he's over me? Do I want him to be over me? I don't think I do.

"Is it too late to quit?" I ask.

"You already signed a contract, since you are a principal you are committed for an entire year of performing," she says.

"Kill me," I mumble into my pillow.

"You can't actually be letting boy troubles get in the way of your dream."

"If I don't go on tour I can just go to Michigan instead of waiting another year," I point out.

"Nope, you're going," she says while pulling me up.

"Do I have a choice?"



Morgan and I get to the apartment we are staying at for the next few months, which is thankfully being paid for by Disney. Their are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living area, and one bathroom. Instinctively we both run over to the window and look at what view we get.

The apartment building is right in the middle of Times Square. I have no idea how Disney is paying for the whole cast to stay here, it must be crazy expense. Then again the only people who are staying here are the one's who don't already live in New York. Though I am not quite sure how many people that is to be exact.

We pull back the curtains and see with have a perfect view of Times Square.

"Whoa," we both say in awe at the same time. 

"Hey, let's go explore," she says. "Of course I need to change first."

"Me too," I say. "I call the room closest to the bathroom!" I say and sprint towards the room.

I get into the room that will now become my own for the next two months and throw my suitcases onto the bed. The room has a queen size bed, a desk, nightstand, a dresser, and a walk-in closet. Again I am not sure how we got so lucky, though I guess with one of the biggest companies in the world paying for it you can get anything. I look out the window and see I have slightly the same view as the window in the main part of the apartment, this is really nice. 

I open the dresser and start to unpack my belongings, putting aside the outfit that I plan to wear out. I change into a floral dress and some white keds. I do my hair in my signature look and do just a little bit of makeup.

"Rachel, stop taking forever and a day!" Morgan calls out.

"One more second!" I say and swipe my eyelashes with mascara. I grab my taupe clutch and a white cardigan, just in case it gets cold, and walk out of my room. "I'm done," I say and walk over to where she is sitting in the kitchen.

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