Chapter Twenty-One

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Whoop, whoop, time hop, flashbacks, and new POV!!!!! Also there may or may not be about two or three chapters left.

+ Morgan +

I walk into Rachel's room and am surprised to see she isn't here. Reflecting back on the past few months I would've thought I would walk in and be met with her at the desk studying for some big exam.

I take a seat on her bed and pull out my phone, dialing her number. She picks up on the fourth ring.

"Hey, Morgan!" I hear her say on the other end of the line, for the first time in months I hear her cheeriness back in her voice.

"Hey, I didn't fly all the way out to Michigan to sit in your dorm by myself," I laugh. 

"Oh my gosh," she gasps. "I thought I was going to pick you up!" She panics. "I'm halfway to the airport, don't worry I'm turning around now. I'm so sorry!"

"Don't worry about it," I laugh. "Just be careful, there is a lot on snow on the roads."

"Will do," she says. "See you in a bit!"

"Can't wait," I smile before hanging up the phone.

I haven't seen my best friend in months. Not since she left tour and started up her college career. Even so her last few days at Newsies Square were hectic, especially since nobody knew those would be her last few days.

"I have to see some penguins right now," Rachel says while placing her hands on her hips.

"Rachel it is two degrees and snowing, we are not going to the zoo," Sky says while trying to pull her down the street.

"If penguins can survive this then so can we," she huffs.

"Rachel, we are going to be in Chicago for another month we can find a better day,"  I say, simply because I am freezing my butt off. Though, I do agree seeing some penguins would be nice right now.

"But we're already here," she whines. "Plus, the penguin exhibit is indoors."

"Rachel, it is freezing and is snowing like crazy," Sky says.

"We have Christmas day off why don't we go then?" I suggest.

"Fine," she reluctantly gives in.

Little did I know that if we had just gone then instead of on Christmas we would've saved ourselves from a lot of drama. Rachel would still be on tour and her and Sky would've never broken up. Life would just be so much simpler.

Instead she went off to Michigan, cut any ties off with Sky, has barely spoken to anyone from tour, and apparently is dating some new guy that she won't tell anyone about.

The door opens and I turn to see who I believe is Rachel's roommate. I think her name is Hailey. She's really tall, pale, with hair that's dyed red, and a nose piercing.

"You must be Morgan," she says while stepping into the room. "I'm Hailey," she says while extending her hand out to me.

"Yep, I'm Morgan," I smile while shaking her hand.

"Rachel, called me when I was on my way back from study group to say that you were already here," she says while sitting on her bed. "She should be back soon," she shrugs. "Anyways, I hear that you were on tour with Rachel before the incident."

"Yeah, I took over for her after she left," I say.

"Such a shame," she sighs. "You know about Rachel," she clarifies. "She was living her dream and just like that she had to leave."

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