Chapter Sixteen

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To be completely honest I forgot about this book, so here's a quick and (sadly) short update to jumpstart the next conflict coming up.

+ Sky +

"So you and Josh really worked things out?" Rachel raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, do you not believe me?" I laugh while continuing to pack my suitcase, today is our first travel day.

"You know what I can't believe?"


"We are supposed to be leaving in thirty minutes and you're just now packing," she laughs.

"You know some people are tired after two, two show days in a row because they actually work," I smirk.

"Oh, so you're pulling the dance card?" She dramatically asks. "Well at least people know my name at stage door," she crosses her arms.

"Oh, so you're pulling the name card?" I mock her. "Well guess who has more followers on Instagram."

She pulls out her phone and starts typing, "Not you," she smirks. "You have two thousand five hundred thirty five and I have two thousand five hundred thirty seven," she smiles proudly.

"Okay, you got four more followers between last night and now," I defend.

"Why are you stalking my Instagram?"

"It's my job."

"I thought you're job was a hard working dancer," she mocks me.

"Whatever, but those are just the followers we have after a week," I say. "By the end of tour I can guarantee I will have more than you."

"Is that a challenge?" She raises an eyebrow.

"You bet."

"Well, challenge accepted," she dramatically says. "Winner gets password to loser's account and can post anything they want for as many days as followers they beat the loser by, and when you lose you can't delete any of the posts." 

"That's good," I nod. "Except you're wrong, I'm going to win," I smirk.

"And no buying followers," she points out. "And no asking for shout outs, asking fans to follow you, or adding your social medias to your cast description in the playbill," she continues.

"You are going to have to write this down or something."

"Good thing I have a three hour bus ride to do so," she smirks.

"Am I going to have to sign a contract?" I raise an eyebrow.


This girl is too much, I love it.


When we get to Waterbury is when I finally wake up, I had slept through the entire bus ride. I look around to see Rachel talking to Joey and Morgan while getting ready to get off the bus. I stand up and lazily drag myself over to where the three of them are standing.

"Good nap, Sleeping Beauty?" Rachel laughs when I rest my head on her shoulder.

"Yep," I mumble still half asleep.

"I was forced to talk to Joey the entire time it was awful," she dramatically says before laughing.

"I'm hurt," Joey gasps.

"I'm tired," I yawn.

"Are you planning on spending our first day off sleeping?" Rachel laughs.

"Possibly," I mumble almost completely asleep.

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