Remember Me

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"Remember Me"

copyright (c) 2015

Chapter 1:

Mission Possible(part 1)!

RELATIONSHIP is not about how much LOVE you have in the beginning but how much love you build 'till the end"

Jamie's POV:

"Im sorry to say this Mrs. Cullins,but your daughter's system wasnt coping up with the treatment,Im afraid if this continue,she will not be able to survive this,Im really sorry,we are doing the best we can"

"No,no,this can't be,she's too young for this.."
I heard my mom,as she sobs so hard,she finally released the tears,that I knew she was holding back the moment the doctor came.

It breaks my heart to see her like this,she used to be a very well-spirited woman,she can easily lifts someone's mood,like she was casting a spell,but now she was so down,like she was fell into an endless pit of pain.

I can help but to cry.The pain I feel in my heart right now is worse than the pain I felt for the past 8 months of chemotherapy,severe treatment,etc.

"It's okay,it's okay honey,we have to be strong for Jamie."My Dad try to comfort her,but it's not enough to stop her sobs,to kill the pain that she's feeling right now.I know Dad wants to cry out loud too,but he's trying to hold it back,he needs to look strong for my Mom and for me.

I know this time will come, the moment I was diagnosed with this illnes,I know there's the 50% possibility that I will come down to this.

But I just have some things I wanted to do before leaving ...

To find the man that I once loved so much ,the man that completes my whole being,the man that I gave my heart with and the man who broke it ,that I dont even know if it will be fix again.

James Janster Villegas


*5 months ago*

"Have you gone crazy?! This is way too much,You dont have to go this far!!"Meks,was hysterically shouting at me and trying to stop me for what I am about to do.But nothing can stop me now,I have always wanted to do this,so even the Gods of Olympus cant stop me now.

"Sshh ,can you please stop shouting! someone might hear you,You dont want to spoil this for me Meks,You wont like what I'll do to You"I said in an authoritive voice,to scare her and keep her mouth shut

But I guess that doesnt scare her at all not even a little..

"You know You wont scare me Jamie,right?"
She said with annoyance written in her face.

Oh Crap!

"Oh,com'on Meks, Can you please,please Just for tonight,Act like you were scared at me and you will not stop me from doing this,please!"I told her like I was a beggar begging for food.I really need her help for this mission."Besides I promise you that I wont include you if something bad and unexpected will happen"I add as I assure her.

"How can you be so sure that the Mission of yours will be a success"She said emphasizing my mission for tonight.

"I know it will be a success ,I haved memorized every corner of their house"

"What?! and how on Earth did you do that?"

"It's easy,I hired someone that will help me get the information that I need,"

"And Who could that be?!"
Meks asked as she's getting interested on what Im saying

"One of their maids."
I answered briefly

"What?! their maid? You're really are unpredictable human being Jamie!,why their maid?"

"Of course ,they are the only one whose always inside that house!"
I shouted with an irritated voice.

"Oww"As she nod her head in agreement.

"I really thought you're a smart woman,I guess I am doubting it right now"
I grinned,Teasing her.

She looked at me as if she's going to eat me,Im starting to regret that I said those words to her.Uh-oh

"Do you ever reallize what you're up to right now!"
Oh No! I think I just unlock the door for the Beast inside her to escape.

"I.. uh.. I know what Im up to,and for goodness sake its just one underwear that Im going to steal,1 undie wont make him poor,amma right?"I grinned again,but this time its to make her calm and to convince her once more ,hope it works.

I heard her sigh. Is it a Yes? or a No again?

"You've gone crazy."
She said in a low tone ,crossed her arms in her chest and threw her glance in the darkness.

It's a YES!

I hug her and kiss her cheeks.

"You're the best Bestfriend ever!"

"Just promise me,that I will not get involved if anything happens and make your life miserable."

"Yes,I promised"
I smiled at her with exitement.

This is it! It's now or never!and you read it right.


And No one nor Anything can stop me now!



Hello there,Im a first time writter here in wattpad,and I will really appreciate it if you are going to vote or write a comment ,I will take it as a motivation to made my story more interesting*

Hopes you'll enjoy the rest of the story ,keep reading and Godbless:)

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