Chapter 11

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"I'll never be able to look at your face without loving you.. "

Expect the Unexpected

Jaymie's POV:

Im running around the corner,when the door beside me open,and a pair of hand snatched me inside and grabbing me in tight hold and covers my mouth ,I struggle and screaming inside my mouth ,He shushed me,his hard body pressing against mine,it's dark inside ,i cant clearly see his face,the loud stomping of feet outside were gone,he slowly removed his hand on my mouth.
I wanted to scream and walk out but my body is too tired to do so.
We stand in silence,my body is still shaking because of fear.

The man streched his left hand reaching for something,and suddenly he flicked the switch causing the light to open,I was blinded by the sudden light but my eyes eventually adjusted,my heart almost popped out of my chest when I saw the man's face who just saved me from misery.

"J..James?"I stammered,I can't still believed its him,I blinked several times,I might just being dellusional because of what happened.I raise my hand and poked his face,earning a chuckle from him,my heart jumped when I hear his voice.

It really is him.

"You ok now?".

Oh my God.Oh my God.He's asking me if im ok.!

Get yourself together Jaymie!Dont embarass yourself again.

"I...uh". Oxygen! I need oxygen,I can barely breath! His manly scent with the mix of alcohol lingers in my nosetrils,its so addictive.Im still speechless,I can only hear the sounds of my thumping heart,and the fluttering of butterflies in my stomach.I tilt my head sligthly to see the edge of his face.Is he really here?for real?

He grinned in fascination,he's ovbviously amused by the expression of my face.He run his hand through his hair,my face flushed by his actions.

He's Hot as Hell!I might call an Fire rescue now!Hes on flames!

"Im fine." Finally ,I managed to say,I bow my head,trying to hide the redness of my cheeks.I feel his presence were gone in my front,I raise my head and I saw him sitting on the edge of the kingsize bed,I never knew that theres a kind of room like this in this bar,the room were huge,it is pretty much bigger than my room in my apartment or my apartment itself,theres a big bookshelf full of books,novels ,I think.Theres a set cream-colored couch and a center table,the big chandelier hang on the cielling,and the Kingsize bed is really is the center of attraction.

"So,you caught some trouble back there huh?".He teased,I never seen this side of James before,well maybe cause I dont have any chances to see this,our first encounter is not really worth remembering,it was full of embarassments,I can still remember how he looked at me and shot daggers through his eyes.

"Yeah."I forced a small laugh,"T..thank you".I continued,I wanted to walk out the door,his presence in the room with me is making me lose myself,I need to go now,before I make a fool out of myself again.I turned around and grab the knob...

"You look beautifull tonight."James said out of nowhere.

My body tensed,my heart lurched with happiness,why does he has to compliment me like that?Now I can't breath ,literally,my heart skip a thousand beat.I hear the stomping of feet towards me.

What now?!what now?!*Panic..Panic*

I gasp,when I feel his hand held my arm,its the third time he hold me,and he still manage to make my limb weaken.

"You look gergous on that than in a ninja outfit."He whisper in my ears,making me whimp and my cheeks turn red.I felt embarassment all over.

Big part of me love what is happening but the remaining part telling me stop it,it's not right,he's drunk,he doesnt know what he is doing,dont get carried away,then the image of James kissing a girl awhile ago,flashed in my mind,my heart ache.I turn and pushed him away,I hold the knob but he grab my wrist and turned me into him by forced ,my eyes widened by his action.but what happened next makes my soul flew out of my own body.


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