Chapter 9

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The Major Turn Off

Jaymie's POV:

I let an exasperated sigh,I run my hand in my hair that's a little bit tangled up.I turn to Meks whose seriously focusing herself in the Grand Piano in front of her,we moved out from our usual classroom to the Grand hall of the Music department for our next subject.

Ms. Carla Smith,who was our instructor for Instrument Learning and Understanding,is standing besides the Grand piano ,waiting for Meks to start.

I heard Meks let out a breath before hitting a key then another,She first played it slowly... slowly...then beautifully.

I was awed by the way she played her fingers on the keyboard,she put all her emotions in the piece of she was playing,I can feel the emotions through my heart and I know everyone around feel it too.

She hits the last key and everyone applauded and gave her smiles of satisfaction.Ms.Carla dismissed us after a row of performances from us playing different kinds of instrument.

"Hey,lets get going,we have a plan for tonight ,remember?".Meks approached me with a grin,I nod and followed her outside.

I can't still believed how Meks convinced me to go club hunting tonight.She blackmailed me that she will tell everyone that I sneek on James House and stole his underwear,I already told her what really happened that night,she literally freaked out specially to the part when James caught me sleeping in his bed,she sure knows how to catch everyone's attention,the whole Music dep. cafeteria were focused on her again.I laughed at her embarassment,and she hit me in my arm,we were like crazy people laughing at each other,and thats how I ended up agreeing with her idea.


I've decided to wear a sleeveless black dress that emphasizes every curve of my body and ended up an inch below my knee,Im still trying to be conservative,besides its my first time to go to the club.I paired my dress with 3 inches silver stilettos,I put on a light make up and red lipstick,I let my naturally curly hair hang that ended just at my chest.I glance at my reflection and smile,I dont look that bad.I grab my purse and waited outside my apartment,Meks will be here a minute later.

A black Mercedes Benz stopped in front of me,the driver open the door,I saw Meks sitting she pat the space beside her,I get inside the car and sit,Meks is wearing a strapless red cocktail dress and red stilettos she pull her hair into a messy bun,it really looks good on her ,she portrays an outgoing girl look,which she really is.Nice.

"You look good." She complimented me.

"Thanks ,you too." I smile while crossing my legs,Im starting to feel kinda nervous about this,I just hope nothing will go wrong tonight.

Get a grip Jaymie,its just a club,its not like you're going to be a prostitute for tonight,Calm yourself.


"I already found a perfect club for us,its just a 20 minutes ride from here".She stated with excitement in her voice.

"Oh really,that's great,can't wait."I said,trying to hide the sarcasm in my voice.

After the longest 20 minutes ride of my life,the car pulled in a wide parking space,there are differend kinds of expensive car models that are already parked.We moved out of the car and went inside the club,I got deaf by the banging of loud music,people are dancing wildly on the dancefloor,literally grinding with each other,there are also few pairs whose making out in every corner available inside the club.I turned to Meks,whose already enjoying herself ,she's moving her body and tappimg her feet against the floor by the beat,she's obviously fascinated by the surrounding.I sigh.

"I think its a wrong idea!" I shouted at Meks,so she will be able to hear me.

"What?! I cant hear you!the music's too loud!".She shouted back.I groan,I heard her but she doesnt heard me.Great.

A moment later,Meks disappear with the crowd,I sigh.I walk towards to the bar counter and sit on the empty stool.The bartenter approached me with a grin,showing his perfectly aligned and white teeth.

"Drink for the beautiful lady?" He offer ,raising the glass he's holding.I hesitate first,but give in eventually.

"Uhm..okay,but no alcohol pls." I said,He nod and turn his back and prepare the drink,in less than 5 minutes,he walk towards me again and handle me the glass.

"Here ,strawberry milk shake" He smile,and I accept the drink,and hand him my payment.He walked away and entertain the other customers on the bar counter.

I turned in my seat and face the wild crowd while sipping on my drink,I shifted my eyes from one person to another,trying to keep myself busy,This is going to be a long night.I told myself.


I almost fall on my seat when my eyes spotted a very familliar face dancing with a blonde girl,they are obviously making out in the dancefloor,his hands is on her hips ,while the girl's hands snaked on his neck and kissing him hungrily like there's no tomorrow,I swallow the lump inside my throat,my eyes suddenly got blurry as the warm liquid make its way out my eyelids and glow down my cheeks,I tried to blink several times if im seeing the right person,I even pinch myself to see if Im dreaming.Im not.I turned to the bar counter and laid my head down and cried my heart out,my eyes are swimming with tears,I can't still believe what I saw.

What a major turn off...



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