#9. One of the boy's don't like you

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Niall's P.O.V

"Hey lads I think it's time you meet my girlfriend," She means alot to me and I just think that it is the right time,"I smile.

"Ugh not again Niall, every single girl is just another slut," Harry sighs.

I death glare at Harry before furrowing my eyebrows at him "Shut the f*ck up Harry, can you please stop being rude and just be happy for me, it's been awhile since I've had someone special in my life."

"Whatever Niall, I can bet she's another one." I walk off into the other and wait for(y/n)'s arrival.

*An hour later...

(Y/N) P.O.V

Niall walked you inside his luxury apartment. "Ni I'm nervous," you sighed quietly while straightening your white dress, "What if they hate me?"

"(y/n), you're fine, I love you so much." Niall smiles as he takes you to the living room. "Hey boys, this is (y/n), my girlfriend." He looks tense.

"Hi love I'm Liam Payne," the brown haired boy pulled you into a hug.

"WEHHHHH IT'S NIALL'S LUCKY BABE!!!!!! HI IM LOUIS PRONUCED LOO-EE" You block your ears as the other brown haired boy yelled loudly at you.

"I'm Harry Styles," the curly haired boy said bluntly and diverted his eyes away from yours.

Well that was just plain rude wasn't it. You give him a smile and walk over to Niall. "Hey, I don't think Harry is a big fan of me." You sigh sadly.

"Babe please don't be like that, please I love you and that's all that matters." He hugs you.

You see Harry approach you as you and Niall pull out of the hug. He grabs your arm pretty violently and drags you into the kitchen.

"Ow, Harry your hurting me," you complain trying to get out of his grasp.

"Look  (y/n), Niall is our little baby of the group, and I hope you aren't one of those girls that date him for his money and fame cause that would be just low. And if he comes crying to us I'll won't be the one comforting him cause I've warned him already. You're probably using him like all the other girls his dated. Your probably just another whore." Harry spat at you.

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way." You sob quietly before running out the kitchen.

You dash out to the lounge area and grab your bag, and try to exit without Niall noticing you, but it fails and he notices you.

"Leaving so soon (y/n)? What's up?" Niall says pulling you into his chest.

"Ni, I'm just tired, I'm not feeling well at all babe," You try to lie to him.

"(Y/n), I know your lying I don't know why, but go home and I'll text you tonight or I'll drop by with some food or something, ok?" He smiles.

"Yea ok thanks Ni, I love you so much, words can't explain," You say before blowing him a kiss and walking out.

You go home and take a shower and hope into bed, and sleep for a little while. The loud sound of you front door shutting close makes you jump. You hear someone walk upstairs and open your door.

"(Y/n), why did you leave early today?" He says taking his top and lying down next to you.

"I left because, Harry was just giving me a hard time, and I swear he hates my guts Ni," You couldn't handle it anymore and you gave in and cried into his chest. "He-e-e called me-e-e a whore."

"Are you god damn kidding me?! Who the hell does he think he is?! Look I'll talk to him tomorrow ok? I love you get some rest." He says and kisses your fore head.

*Next day


That is it, I've had it with Hazza he can't just go up to my beautiful girl, and call her a whore.


N- Hey mate, we need to talk meet me at Chipotle in 10?

H- Righto will do see you then.

*At Chipotle

"Hey Harry, uh I asked you to meet me here why the hell would you call my girlfriend a whore." I asked him calmly.

"Ok I'm sorry, you're just a baby, I'm sorry but you are the baby of the group, I'm just worried ok mate? You got lucky this time keep her, anyways I have to go off to do my recording part, see you tomorrow." Harry says getting up and leaving.

My phone rings as I look down it's my princess calling me.

"Ni guess what Hazza said to me?" she exclaims.

"Babe slow down, what did he say?" I say with a grin on my face.

"So, he said", she takes a breath before continuing. "He was like I'm sorry that we started on the wrong foot hopefully we can be better friends, I'm just a bit over-protective with Niall, hope you can understand, btw he's at Chipotle and he didn't tell you.-Hazza. Niall I know you are at chipotle you better bring me something home." She finishes.

"I'm glad he apologized to you babe cause you are not a whore, I love you and yea I picked you something from Chipotle, I'll see you when I get home." As I hang up I'm glad my princess is happy.

Here's another one cause why not?

3K reads over night?! ILY you guys thank you so much.

I'll start updating frequently hopefully.


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