Ok so I am now in some old light blue jean short shorts and a white T-Shirt. It's been 4 1/2 minutes and fun still isn't down.
"FINNNNN HURY UP!" I yelled up to him.
"OKAY" he yelled back. He finally came down, "great your ready, let's go." I say as I started heading out the door. "So Finn I see you've already gotten a hair cut and clothes so I though I could just give you some information and then we could just have some fun?" "Okay that sounds lovely" he replied. God everyone in this family is proper, except me. Hahahahha
"Okay so any questions or things you want to know about?"
"Elijah told me most things important last night and early this morning. How do you feel about being a mikaelson?"
"That is a question I wasn't expecting you to ask me. Well being honest. I already felt like one. I saw Rebecca as my sister before yo-I mean our mom told us we were related. Same goes for Elijah and Nic. I saw them as brothers. It feels nice to have s family again. I felt so alone at times Finn." I say to him. Telling him what I feel about the situation "I just don't know how all my friends are going to react though. They HATE the Mikaelsons, Finn. They're my friends. What if they start to shun me or something? What will Damon think? What would he do?" I speak more of my thought as I kept driving. I can tell that he listened to what I said and was thinking of a reply.
"Who's Damon?" Was his reply. That was his reply. After everything I said. He relied with that. He is my older brother. "Damon Salvatore. Finn I'm in love with him. I know that you see me as a little 18 year old girl and hearing those words come out of my mouth sounds ridiculous but I really do love him. Hes in love with Elena, the doppelgänger. One of my brothers uses her as a human blood bag. No way in hell he'd ever consider dating me."
"Katia you are a beautiful girl. I can tell you love him. The mention of him speeds your heart. He may have feelings for you too, you just need to go after him." Right when he said that we pulled into the field and I parked the car. "Come on" I said while getting out of the car and walking towards the back. "Okay Finn see these balloons?" He nods "we are having a paint fight. We take a balloon and throw it at each other just hard enough for the balloon to break on the persons body. I'm putting one bucket here and the other over there. You grab a few and go. Once you go and get more. Any questions?" He shook his head no. "Good" I said as I threw a blue ballon at him as is popped on him, getting his shirt a bit yellow. "Hahahahha" I laughed as I ran. He ended up hitting me a bunch of times. I look like a polkadot rainbow. I actually hit him s few times. He looks colorful but just not as colorful as me.Heading back to the car, I laid trash bags all along the seats so we don't get paint on Elijah's car.
"That was really run. Thank you Katia."
"Anytime, bro." I said while laughing.
The Youngest (TVD/The Originals Fanfic)
FanfictionImagine being 17 when the rest of your siblings are over 1000 years old.