33. Mine

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Deepika had managed to sneak out of the premiere without anyone spotting her. She was now a few blocks away walking down the streets of London. She received a few odd stares from the people she was sharing the sidewalk with, due to her being dressed in such a lavish blue dress. Even though Deepika was completely lost and had no idea where she was headed, she dared not to turn around and walk back to the premiere. As she neared the end of the block she was walking on, a large, black modern structured building came in view. She identified it as a bar and decided she needed a drink.

Deepika pushed through the door and scanned the interior of the bar. There wasn't much of a crowd, only a few customers scattered along tables and the front counter. Seeing how exquisite the layout was of the building, Deepika guessed this wasn't just any ordinary bar. Only the quite wealthy could spend their time and money here. Feeling a stinging pain in both her feet due to her heels, Deepika decided to take a seat at the front counter.

Deepika sat down on the stool and twirled her body to the counter. Sitting there facing the various glass bottles of different colors and sizes, Deepika admitted she didn't really feel like drinking anymore. She felt so lost and confused. Being in a foreign country also was an addition to her misery. Deepika propped her elbows on the crystal counter and rested her head in her palms. Tears began to collect in her eyes and she was too weak to even attempt to hold them back. But before she could let them spill, she heard her name being called from beside her.

Deepika looked up and then to her side to have her eyes land on a familiar face she hadn't seen in so long. It was Sidharth.

"Sid?" she asked baffled.

"Wow, it really is you." he grinned. "Wait, isn't the movie premiere that's taking place a few blocks down from here for your movie?"

"It is." Deepika half-smiled. "But I needed to get out of there. I was feeling suffocated."

"Oh." he nodded understanding. "But you actually went and became the Bollywood actress you wanted to be. That's amazing. So how have you been? Actually, are you okay right now?"

"Yeah I am." she wiped the tears that were at the tip of her eye slits and smiled.

Sidharth wasn't convinced. He clearly knew something was up and he wanted to find out, but that was solely up to Deepika and her decision to tell him if she wanted to.

"Actually no." she sighed. "I'm not okay. I haven't been for months."

Sidharth looked at Deepika expectantly as his whole attention was now on her and to hear what she had to say.

"I'm guessing you've already heard the news about me and Zayn." she dryly chuckled.

"I have." he nodded. "It was truly sad to hear."

"I'm such an idiot." she shook her head as tears once again began to build up in her eyes. "I was so selfish. I don't know what I was thinking when I thought us breaking up would only make both of our lives simpler. But it didn't. I can speak for myself and say that my life has been miserable without him. Zayn was the greatest thing that happened to me. In fact, he was really the first best thing that happened to me." the tears streamed down Deepika's cheeks and she didn't bother to brush them away. "Getting into Bollywood and all the other things happened to me afterwards. I let go of such an amazing person all because of some rash decision I made and based on this illusion I had, thinking things would've been better with us being apart. I miss him so much Sid and I can't even move on from the thought of him. I feel like I'm going crazy or I already have gone insane, I don't even know. And now I'm in London, and he's here too but I have no idea where he is in the city. And you know what the worst part is? Since the breakup we've been so awkward with each other. I hate it! I try not to make it awkward between us when we speak to each other but it's no use. I just, ugh I don't even know anymore. I can't go on living like this. I just want him back." she slumped her shoulders as the waterworks continued to run down her cheeks.

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