It All Started In The Dojo

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   We've been best friends since 7th grade but I still dont have the guts to ask her out. Its hard because I really like her. Yeah, I know its one of those best friend likes his best friend blah blah blah. I dont care. Right now, Im in the dojo and Im sitting on the mat, waiting for my to turn to fight. I take karate. Been taking in for 3 years already. Ava, my best friend is a brown belt. She took karate longer then me. 

"Victor Fuentes! You're up next!"  My sensi calls my name. I slowly get up and stand on the mat. Ava is in front of me with her light brown hair up in a ponytail and her blue eyes staring at me, smiling.

"Ready to get beat by me again, Vic?" She teases. I roll my eyes. 

"Begin!" The sensi yells. I take a deep breath and start to move around. I have never beat Ava in a fight. She is way better then me at everything. 

  Ava throws a high kick and I block it. I dont really like fighting her. It.... feels wrong. Plus Im not really a sporty guy. I only did this for Ava. Other then that I dont play any sports except soccer. Soccer is more fun. 

  I got so distracted by my thoughts that I forgot that I was fighting Ava. Ava punches me in the face and it went so fast, I didnt even see her throw the punch. I fall back and I get dizzy.


The sensi tells Ava to turn around and take a knee. Its a show of respect. People help me up and ask me if I am okay. I nod yes and shake away the dizziness. The fight continues and Ava look worried. She always is. I dont blame her. I would be worried about me too.
     I throw a high punch and of course she blocks it. Ava finishes me off quickly by doing a sweep kick. She then air punches my  chest to show she is done.


Karate is over and Ava and I are going to my house. I'm trying to find the right moment to ask her out but I cant. I take a deep breath.

"Um... Ava?" I say. She looks at me .

"Whats up, Vic?"

I stop walking.

"I don't know how to say this but ... I was uh.... w-wondering if y-you wanted to go on a .... date. With me." I ask her.

She looks at me and smiles.

"Sure. I would love too." She tells me. I can't help but smile from ear to ear.

"Really?! That's awesome. Uh... How about tomorrow at 8?" I suggest.

"Why not tonight?" She asks.

"Oh. Tonight. O-Okay. Tonight then."

She smiles at me.

"Great! Let's go then!" She then holds my hands.

WAIT! She's holding my hand? Gosh. I didn't think we would go this far. Anyway, let's see how this date goes.


It tonight already. Time really does fly doesn't it? Well I already took a showrr, fixed my hair, and ordered pizza . What? Okay okay so I can't cook. It was the next  best thing!

Ava decided to take a shower so I'm just waiting for her to come out. I hear the door open from upstairs and hear her coming down. When I see her, my mouth drops. She is wearing black pants and a gray t-shirt. The only reason you I'm like this is because you will never see her like this. Ava has changed a lot. I tried to tell her she's fine the way she is but she didn't listen. Still dosent. 


"N-nothing it's just..... I haven't seen you dress like that in a long long time. You look nice like that." I tell her .

She blushes but she tries to hide it .

"I know you're blushing, Ava. You're not low. Stop trying." I tease her.

"Shutup, Vic!" She hits my shoulder. I laugh and so does she. Ava sits next to me on the couch. There is a silence. There always is. "So......Hi"

"Hi." I say. I really hate when this happens. I quickly think of something to do. " Wanna watch a movie?" She looks at me.

"Uh.... Sure. What movie?" She asks me. Great. What movie should we watch? 

"What about......Star Wars?" I suggest. Ava looks at me and shrugs.

"I mean I have seen them all but why not. Okay. Star Wars it is!" She says excited. A little to excited. I actually have all the movies because of Ava. She loves Star Wars. I mean there's nothing wrong with it but, I really dont know what's to obsess over. I got the movie and put it in the DVD player. 

  The movie quickly begins....


The movie ended five minutes ago. 

"Well that was.... good.... right?" Ava says. I sigh.

"I guess. Ava," I look at her and she looks at me. Okay, Vic. This is it. You're gonna tell her how you feel. Right.NOW!!! " I..... have, no need to tell you something."

"Okay. Go ahead."

"We met when we were in seventh grade and you have been a really great friend. You listen to me, you know Im there, and you've just.... cared.... for me and I appreciate it a lot. What Im trying to say is that.... I-I.... l-like you." I explain to her. Ava dosent say anything. She just looks at me. "A-Ava? Av-" I get cut off by her because....SHE KISSED ME!!!!

SHE. KISSED. MEEEEEE!!!! MEEE!!! OUT OF ALL PEOPLE!!!! MEEEEE!!!! I hope i'm not dreaming cause I don't want this to end!!!! Ava stops kissing me and looks at me. Oh no. Something's wrong. Ava chuckles.

"What is it?" I ask her. 

"Nothing. Im just glad that you told me how you felt cause I feel the same. " Ava admits. She smiles at me and I return the smile. 

"So... does this mean..?"

"We're.... dating.'' She finishes for me. I literally want to jump around and scream of joy. All my life that I have known Ava I wanted to tell her how I felt but things always stopped me. Now that I've told her and everything feels right with the world. "So...what do you want to do now?" She asks me.

"I honestly dont know." I tell her. 

We both laugh and the rest of the night goes on....

SOOOOO!!!!!! Im doing a short story thing because I have to many ideas for books so let me know what you all think about this idea and if you have any ideas of a short story, let me know in the comments or text me. 

Thank you for reading!!! BAIII!!!!

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