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She looked at him and smiled. He smiled back at her. They laughed and they hugged each other, not letting each other go. That's the way it should be every single day. They should be smiling and hugging, but instead they weren't together, They were alone at their homes, sitting on their beds, wondering will I ever see him/her again? Will I ever be with him/her  again?  They thought about each other's smile, laugh, face. All the things you could remember about a person. The things that they wanted to remember were hard to do so. Each other's voices, hugs, and even kisses. 

They both wanted each other. Both wanted to be with each other, always, but unfortunately, couldn't. they would both be left alone. Unable to be with one another. 

He loved her and she loved him. they knew they would be together again, but knew it would be a long time before that would happen. As the final days come closer and closer, they cherish each other's company like it was their last days on Earth. 

And to them, that's what it felt like...


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