Million Dollar Houses (The Painter)

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A/N: Yes another Vic short story cause I love him soo much!

I'm on my way to work. I'm a house painter. I paint houses for the rich old folk.  This was the only job that I could get. I don't like it but it's the only money I have.

As I'm on my way, I see this girl. She's wearing this dress that goes up to her ankles. It's nice blue shade and her brown hair is pinned into a bun. She's probably her for the party that the  rich people are throwing.

I don't pay attention to her and just take my painting things to the house. It isn't that heavy so I get there pretty quickly. Once I make it to the house, I get started. After a couple of minutes when the paint is in the tins and the brushes are wet, I started to paint the side of the house. I stroke the brush from side to side.  I get lost in my thoughts and pay no mind to the people staring at me. They are all the typical rich people. They look at the people who don't have all the money in the world like they're freaks who aren't allowed in the world. 

"Excuse me!" Someone yells. I look at them and see that its the girl from earlier.  

"Can I help you?" I ask her. She looks at me like I disrespected her or something.

"Well, I just need to know what time you'll be done, because my grandparents don't want you to be here when the guests arrive. I don't see how you're a problem but I just don't want to hear more yapping in my ears." She explains to me. I know what she tried to do. She tried to hide the insult with her saying she doesn't mind if i'm here or not. In reality, they all want me gone.

" I'll be done when i'm done." I say back to her. I am so sick of these rich people telling me how to do my job. If I get it done, I get it done. Simple as that. These things take time if you want it to be perfect. 

"Can you at least give me a specific time to when you will be done. I'm not trying to rush you or anything but I do need to know when you will be done. Give me an estimated time or something." She asks me. I roll my eyes.

" I'll be done with this side of the house in half an hour." I tell her.

"Only with this side?"

"Yes. Now with the whole house, I dunno. I can come back another day and finish but it is up to your grand parents." She sighs. 

"Fine. Thanks." She goes back to her grand parents and I go back to painting. 

This is not how I imagined my life turning out. I want to become a musician. Start a band and play. My little brother, Mike, told me not to take this job and to start a band with him, but I said no. Our family needed the money. I took this job in order to help my family get back up on their feet. I told him when we have good money, then we'll start the band together. He's been mentioning it ever since. 


A half an hour passed and I finished the side of the house. As I was packing up, people started coming. The party started then. The girl from earlier was outside, welcoming them. I didn't pay attention to her and headed to the van I came in. The girl looked at me and I looked at her back. I smiled at her as a reaction. She didn't smile back. Damn, white people. Always treating me like shit. 

" 'Scuse me but are you leaving now?" I turned and saw the owner of the house.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Well you were talking to my granddaughter so I'm not paying you today. Goodbye, now." He turns his back and starts to leave.

"Wait, you can't do that! I worked hard and I need the money!" I inform him. He turns back to me and the corner of his lip goes up.

"I'm sorry but I can pay you whether you like it or not, so please leave now."

"NO!," I go over to him and go in front of him, stopping him in his tracks. "You need to pay me. Please." I say "please" very little. The owner looks at me and just walks away. I watch him leave and feel like yelling at him but I know I cant or I will lose my job. 

Fuck!! If  I don't get paid today, I won't be able to go home. I have to take the van back to the company and leave it in the garage there. I dunno what I'm gonna do. If I take the van, I'll get in trouble again. I did that once and almost got fired. The company I work for doesn't like to pay the workers. All I know is that I'm screwed today and possibly for the rest of my life. My home is far from the rich old folks home so walking is not an option. I guess I can sneak on the bus. Again.

I go I in the van and put the keys in.The engine starts to hum and I start to drive to the company. As I drive over to the company, I see blue and red lights flashing behind me. Shit. Not again. I pull over and stop the car. I look in the rear view mirror and I see the cops come over to the van. They look really stupid in those shades.

" License and registration please." I take out my license which is provided by the company. I give to the cop and he takes it. He checks it and hands it back to me. " Your license expired two years ago, sir. Do you know that?"

"I didn't. I don't really check it often. Sorry about that." I answer honestly. He looks at me through his shades. He takes off his shades and smirks.

"That's alright. I'll let you off with a warning this time but you get pulled over again, you'll end up with a ticket."

"Okay. Thank you, sir." I say, respectfully. He leaves and goes back to his car. He soon drives off and I slump back in my seat. I got lucky this time. It would've been real bad if I got that ticket today. 

I start the engine again and drive to the company. 


I make it to the company and drop off the van. The owner comes to me and asks me how much I made today. I tell him nothing and he says, " That's a shame." I don't know why he would say a thing like that. He doesn't even care. He leaves and I pack up my things, checking if anything was stolen because trust me, things get stolen in this company. You can't even complain about it. 

I leave the company and start walking to the nearest bus stop. When I get there, I see this girl with long wavy brown hair and in regular clothes. A hoodie, black jeans and red converse. I just stand, not next to her, but where she is. Waiting for the bus was like waiting for a cure for cancer. It takes so long for no reason at all. 

"Stupid phone...." I hear her mumble. I look at her and she looks at me. "Sorry." I turn away and leave her be. The bus arrives ten minutes later. I sit all the way in the back and the girl follows me.  She sits by the window in the back. On the bus ride, I stare outside and sigh softly. I dunno what I'm going to say when my mom finds out I made no money.  

I push the thought aside and put my head on the window. I close my eyes knowing that if I fall asleep, I'll miss my stop. It happened. I did miss my stop. It felt like a couple of minutes but in reality, it was longer then that. I got up and got off the bus. As I started walking across the street to the bus stop that goes the opposite direction, that girl that was near me speaks to me. 

" Um, do you remember me?" She asks. I look at her, confused. 

"No. I don't know you." I say, trying not to sound rude. 

" Oh, well I'm the girl from the party. The one who asked you if-" I interrupt her.

"Yeah, I remember you now." I arrived to the bus stop. " Is there something I can help you with?"

"Um.... I was wondering if.... I mean, I know we just met and everything but I was wondering if I could.... r-run away with you." She asks me. I look at her like she's crazy.

"Are you serious right now?" 

End (For Now...) 

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