Is This Reality Or A Dream?

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I was in my fathers car, driving back home. It was hot out and pretty boring where we went. I was looking out the window listening to one of my favorite artists. Aleksey Smirnov. No one really knows him. He isn't commercial yet. But he will be. I will make sure of it. ^-^                               We came at a stop light and as I was looking out, I could've sworn I saw him. I didn't really react to quickly because I though I was seeing things. He continued walking and as he did he looked at me. That was when I knew it was him. My father had started driving again but I told him to stop. He had asked why but I didn't answer him because I was already out of the car and on my way to him. As I came up to him, I shouted his name.

"Aleksey Smirnov?!" He looked at me and answered "Yes?" I came to him face to face and smiled. He smiled back. "You're Aleksey, right?"

"Yes." He laughed a little. "You know who I am?" I nodded and he smiled widely. 

"You're in the band Cry Venom!" I said. That was the most amazing part of my entire life! I mean, it's not everyday I get to see someone I adore. Once I said Cry Venom, his eyes lit up.

"You know my band?" He asked.

"Of course! You guys are awesome." The next thing I knew, Aleksey brings out his arms and gives me a hug. With that we look at each other and he brings our noses together. I knew I had to be imagining that part. He broke the hug and smiled a t me even more. He started to continue walking and I went with him. 

"So, where are you going?"He asked. 

"I was going back home with my father. I think he left now because I left the car. I know my home anyways." I tell him. 

" Oh, okay."

"Where are you going?" I asked him now. 

"I was going to the bus station to, uh, go to California. I don't have any money though. I'll just sneak onto bus. Hopefully, I don't get caught." He said. He looks down.

"I-I have money. Not a lot of it but enough." I offer. He looks at me and smirks.

"It's alright. I'll manage. Thank you though."  

We continue walking until my father pulls up in the car. He tells me that we needed to get home but I didn't want to leave Aleksey. He would be by himself. I look at Aleksey and he smiles. I open my mouth to say something and-

I awoke to a bright light in my face. The sun peered through the curtains of my bedroom window. Oh, great, it was all just all a dream.....

Sooooo.... this was actually a dream I had and it went exactly like how I wrote it. I dunno know why I decided to write it out but I did it. =^w^= 

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