Fall To Pieces

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Her room was cold. As it has been for over a couple days. She kept covering herself with her blankets but nothing seemed to stop the cold. Her mind was filled with thoughts about her boyfriend. How they were going to be separated for three years. She would be going to a different high school next year and he would stay where he was. She kept counting the days until it was time for her to leave. 20 school days left. 20 school days. Wasn't much time left and the days kept getting shorter and shorter each day. 

She wished that she could rewind time back to when they first started dating. Back to when things were much easier. Back to when they had nothing but each other. It was just them two and nothing could break them a part. Nothing. 

She sneezed. She shivered from the cold. She need heat. She wanted his heat. She wanted to feel his arms around her, holding her, letting her know that she was always safe with him. She wanted to kiss him. She thought about how soft his lips are and how it made her feel. 

How he made her feel...

He made her feel special. He made her feel loved and cared for. She didn't want to wait 3 years to have that all back. She wanted that now. She wanted to be with him now. Forever and always <3<3<3

She knew she had to be with him as much as she could before it was too late. She just hoped that he wouldn't break his promise and leave. She hoped he would wait for her like he said he would.

And love her 'till the...


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