28. Midnight Madness

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Why does everything have to be so complicated?

I never even saw Gwen for the rest of the day on Friday. I got one text from her in the afternoon, asking if I wanted to wait around for a ride home; I just sort of forgot about it, since I knew I was going out anyway. Seriously, though, it's not as if I was actively ignoring her or anything.

So about an hour after I finished my shift, Gwen was leaving, and she saw me making small talk with Tim in his office, where Mr. Vaig - Alton - whatever - was supposed to meet us when he finished his press conference. She asked what I was still doing there, and I told her, because, look, it's not like it was some big secret. I was gonna call and let her know about it... eventually. I mean, I didn't even know what we were doing, or how late I would be. So she acts all impressed, but sort of put off by the whole thing, too, until - long story short - Tim winds up asking her if she'd like to join us.

Which... okay. Fine. It's just - the invitation coming from Tim makes me look bad. Besides, I was expecting maybe an upscale meal, a couple of drinks on the company dime, but with Gwen coming along, the whole thing would turn into an event. She even went back to her apartment for a shower and a change of clothes, which meant she started questioning why I wasn't doing the same thing. This is Denver, for chrissakes - I was wearing a button-up shirt. Tucked in, even.

An hour passed without any word from the boss-man, so I got a Westword from outside to kill a little time. When I got back to his office, Tim was getting off the phone.

"So, he's on his way. He said he had to change." He started mussing about with his shirt again, after all that time I spent talking him down. I told him not to worry about it, that I was sure we were dressed fine.

"Yeah, I guess," he said uncomfortably, "but the thing is, um... well, you're gonna need to call Gwen. Mr. Vaig just said - 'no girlfriends'."

"Aw, shit... are you kidding me?"

"I know, I know. But he sounded pretty firm. He wants us out front in ten minutes."

I spent the ride downstairs tentatively fingering my cell. Once we were out of the elevator, I got a couple yards distance from Tim so I could make my call.

"I'm really sorry. I would have figured that Tim cleared it with him first."

"Well, not your call, I guess. Tell Tim I said thanks, anyway."

Great. I made a joke that she probably wasn't missing out on much, that I was gonna be way out of my element, without a tie, or one of those shiny shirts like all the guys on The Bachelor wear. She told me not to worry about it, and we agreed we'd see each other the next night. I was so relieved by how cool she was with the whole thing that I had disconnected before realizing "the next night", I was supposed to be getting together with Kyle.

I was debating whether or not I should call her back when an immaculate black limo pulled up to the curb. It didn't occur to me that it was for us, until the chauffeur stepped around to open the rear door.

I didn't realize they still dressed like that. The little hat was pulled down low, but I could've sworn I recognized him. In the uniform, he looked a little like Kato, from that old masked hero drama on TV.

I figured the vehicle was just to take us to wherever our destination was - imagine my surprise when I saw Vaig himself sitting there, illuminated by the pulsating LED lights, with a half-empty tumbler in hand. He was still wearing the Nehru jacket from earlier, but it was now complimenting what were no doubt a pair of $200 jeans.

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