42) Death...or so we thought.

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Angela's Pov.

I stare at my son, holding my tears back. I can't tell him. I'm scared of telling him.

He'll disown me.

Him and Huey.

I've been watching them grow their whole lives. I've always kept my eyes on them. I know Huey used to be a domestic terrorist. I know that Riley used to be a public menace. I know Huey admires great leaders like Martin Luther King jr or Muhammid Ali. I know that Riley admires ganster icons like Gangstalicious or Thugnificent.

I'm a little shocked when he asks me that. If any of them knew my name, I'd expect it to be Huey.

I clear my throat. "My name is classified."

He tilts his head slightly. "I won't tell nobody."

"Why do you want to know, Riley?" I ask him.

His eyes flick down. "Nevermind." Depression in his voice. He continues walking and I follow.

Did I do the right thing?

Am I a terrible mother?

No one's Pov.

Riley and the commander walk back into the room. "You guys must be exhausted," she says. "Get some rest. Agent Ron!"

A man speed walks to her. "Yes, commander?"

"Show these guys the cafeteria, and then show them to their rooms," she commands.

"Yes, commander," he saluts. "This way..."

Their room was silent.

Riley lay on his back staring at the ceiling. 'What 'bout C-murph?' He thought.

Huey lay under his duvet. He was worrying about Granddad. He was worrying about Jazmine. He mostly thought about his day. 'Cairo.' He regretted killing him. Badly.

Kiara's Pov.


I walk to the twins room. I hit the door with my fist multiple times and place my hands on my hips. "I know ya'll are awake! Abre la puerta!" (Open the door!)

The door slides open. Matt's hair, usually combed is spiked up in different directions. He still wears his jeans, but he's topless.

I smile at him. "You're a hot mess."

He rubbed his eye. "You're right about the first part. What's up, Ki?"

"Can I talk to Mike?" I ask him.

"Uh sure." He looks back into the room. "Hey! Kiara's here."

I hear the springs of a bed and soon Mike appears at the door, fully dressed, but without his jacket for once. He glares at me. "What do you want?"

Matt feels the tension and walks back into the room, the door slides shut.

"Where the hell were you?" I ask him calmly.

"What the hell do you mean?" he asks back keeping his voice low.

"Don't play dumb with me, Mike. How do you even call yourself a teammate?" I ask him. "I bet you don't even care about what happend to Cass."

"For you information," he says taking a step closer. "I went to see her earlier. Maybe if you weren't such a bitch, you'd actually listen to what I have to say and know."

My eyebrows shoot up and I chuckle. "I bet you didn't think I was such a bitch, when you were all up in this." I gesture at my body with my hands.

He rolls his eyes. "You are so full of yourself. Just cause you've got a hot body-"

"Excuse me?" I interrupt. "Did you just say I have a hot body?"

He clears his throat. "Let me rephrase that-"

"No..." I shake my head. "I've heard enough, twinny. Sweet dreams." And with that, I turn on my heel and walk back to my room.

Honestly, my true intentions weren't flirting. Guess it just came out...oh well.

Riley's Pov.

The next morning, for once I wake up before Huey. I do my morning routine and change into that A.C.L.O.J uniform. Instead of wearing the jacket tho, I slung it over my shoulder and leave the room.

After getting lost a couple of times, I find the medic room on my own and stop at the door when I hear voices.

I smile when I hear an Australian accent.

"I told you I'm not eating this crap! What is it anyway?? Goo??"

"Agent Jones, Doctor Jane strongly suggested that you eat this-"

"No! This some ole bullshit!"

I chuckle to myself. Looks like mah ghetto rubbed off on her. I enter the room slowly. Cass still sits on the bed, for once her hair is in a ponytail, but the benie stays where it is. A tray sits in front of her with a bowl on it filled with some green stuff.

Smells bad.

The nurse tries to feed it to her, but she keeps denying it access to her mouth and moves her head about. "I said get this thing away from me!" Her knee shoots up, throwing the tray off the bed causing some of the goo to spill on him. The bowl lands on the floor with a satisfying crash!

The nurse stands up. "I'll be back." He stomps out of the room. Cassandra's eyes meet with mine, noticing that I'm here only now. She gasps and her pink lips curve into a smile. "Riley!"

I close the door behind me and lock it, so no one disturbs us. I walk up to the bed. Cass hops out of the bed and throws her arms around me. "My hero!"

"Me? Bitch if it wasn't fo you we'd be dead right now," I say picking her up and laying her on the bed. She frowns. "Hey, ya need ta get yo rest, fo once ah agree with authority."

She rolls her eyes. "What happened? After I went unconscious I mean?"

I sit on the edge of the bed. "We escaped."

"Obviously. And?"

"Cairo's...dead. And all his goons," I add.

"Whoa. Really? Ouch..." she sighs. "And I missed all the action. Damn it!"

Instead of listening to her ranting, I push some loose hair from her ponytail behind her ear. She stops talking, surprised by my actions and holds my hand when its still pulling hair behind her ear. We like that for a while, and then I lean foward. She does the same.

"Riley..." she stops when our lips brush. "Do...do you really want to do this?"

"Yea girl."

"But what about your girlfriend back home? And-"

"I'll worry 'bout that later. But right now..." I place my other hand on the side of her body, and caress her curves.

"Riley-" I interrupt her with a kiss. We start of slow. Her hands move to the back of ny neck and I feel her play with the tails of my cornrows. I push her down gently as we kiss and she ends up lying on her back. I crawl over her and pull the rubber band ofd, releasing her wavy hair and leaving it sprawled around her head. "Wait!"

I stop. "Wut?"

She blushes. "I'm a virgin so...go easy on me, kay?"

Then this thought came to mind. I'm also a virgin. And I'm fifteen! Oh well. No turning back now.

"Sho. I'll go easy on you..." I smirk as we kiss.

???? Pov.

They kill my friend and they think they'll gey away with it? Well they forgot about one nigga.

I'll avenge you, Cairo.

Just wait...


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