52) Hitching a Plan

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I just read the reads my book got and suddenly felt really happy. Thank you! Especially cause I was actually thinking of quitting since I thought the book is too long. But I realised I'll continue writing! Also knowing that your all from around different places in the world that I'd definitely like to visit makes me extremely elated! Thank you, really. At my home and school some people actually tease me about 'liking' books and reading, telling me its 'boring' or calling me 'antisocial.'

But you know what? I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck. I like talking to all of you and I love reading all these different books. Thank you again! Sorry for making you read all this, but don't worry, the chapters right doooown there! Enjoy!

No one's Pov.

"Dewy already told us the location where these drugs are being made. And we know that Scar isn't as eliminated as we think," Austin says. "He's obviously the mastermind behind everything..."

"Doctor?" Mike says wanting to get to the point. The doctor ignores him. They've been in that room for hours.

"We need to get in there. Destroy him and all the stock they've been sending. If that's possible..."

"With Cass's bombanology anythings possible!" The twins high five.

The doctor sighs annoyingly. "How many times do I have to tell you that that's not a real word?"

Matt smirks.

"I was thinking," Cassandra says going back to the topic and standing up. "That maybe we can break in. Perhaps the twins could somehow disguise themselves as guards and bring me as 'prisoner' or at least sneak in, considering that they are masters of stealth and all. I think the disguise is a better idea though because maybe we can use Dewy to get us in?"

"How though?"

"Threats. Blackmail. I dunno. This is Kiara's kind of thing, she's the field agent."

"But Kiara's in Woodcrest," Riley pipes up. "Ain't she supposed to be watchin Huey?"

"I think the commander can handle him herself," Jane says. "Get her on the phone."

"On it!" Matt hops out of his seat and out of the room, craving a change of scenery.

Mike rolls his eyes. "We don't need Vega. We've gotten far without her."

"You better not let your personal crap interfere with this, Taylor," Jane points at him and glares. Mike holds his hands up and pretends to surrender. He crosses his arms and sulks.

Cass sits down. "When's this going down?"

"Tomorrow. I suspect that they'll be suspicious not hearing from Dewy all this time..."

"And Cairo?"

"Green masks. You never go wrong with green masks," Jane says. "I invented them after all."

Matt walks back into the room. "She's on her way. Soonest she'll be here is around...three a.m."

"Perfect." Jane claps his hands. "Agents? I don't see how this could possibly go wrong..."


Huey's Pov.

Knock knock.

"Huey! Get da door!" Granddad yells from the kitchen.

I sigh as I stand up from the couch and walk to the door. I open it to find Jazmine again. "Hey Huey."

"Hi," I say moving a little so she can come in. I close the door and walk back to the couch where I sit down and go back to watching the news.

She sits close next to me and rests her head on my shoulder. "What're you doing?"

"Sky diving."

She rolls her eyes. "No need to be snotty."

"I'm not being snotty. I'm being sarcastic," I say.

Knock knock.

"Huey! Ain't ah tell ya to get da door?! Boy dont test me!"

Jazmine and I exchange looks before I stand up and walk to the door. I open it and find Kiara. She wears all black once again and lets herself in. "Hola, sexy chocolate." {Hello, sexy chocolate}

"I thought we were past that," I say closing the door.

She shakes her head. "No." She looks around before she speaks. "I was called in. Just thought I'd let you know."

"Really? When are you leaving?"

"Huey, who're you talking to?" Jazmine walks to us from the living room and stops in place when she sees Kiara. "Hi...Julia."

Kiara smiles at her. "I know you know."

"Right...Kiara. That's your real name."

She keeps smiling. "Si. It is." She looks back at me. "Later tonight. If you wanna contact the commander you'll find her at the Wuncler Hotel, suite. She doesn't scout like I do so don't loiter around the streets and shout names." She winks and looks back at Jazmine. "Adios. Till next time." She lets herself out. Jazmine stares at the door and looks back at me.

"Where's she going?" she asks me.

"Back to the base," I say walking past her and back to the living room.

"Are you planning to go too?" she asks following me.

"Yeah. But not so soon," I say sitting down and grabbing the remote.

"What's keeping you here?" she asks sitting down next to me.

"You ask too much questions," I say browsing through channels.

"Is it me?"

"....I don't know. I just feel like staying, I guess," I say.

She stays silent the rest of the time.


Riley's Pov.

I walk around the weapons room and look around in awe. All different kinds of weapons, guns, nun chucks, swords, and other kinds ah stuff. They gave me ah chance ta look around and 'get to know' da place. I started here.

I need ta find out 'bout dis lady. I leave the room and walk just walk around. People type furiously on computers. Big screens on the walls still have footage of different areas around the world. Distracted, I bump into someone.

"Oh! Sorry!" The girl I bumped into apologises.

"Its aight," I say shrugging.

"I haven't seen you around. You new?" she asks.


"Guess you wouldn't mind if I showed you around then?" she asks with a wink.

"Ah know dis place, I'm just..."



"Let me loiter with you then."

"Butt off, Charly," I hear from behind me and turn around to find Cass with her arms crossed.

Charly pouts. "Aw. People always snatch the good ones before I do."

"Guess you just need better timing," Cassandra nods in a direction and I follow her. "Can you try not to be so cute?"

"Nobody can stop all dis, baby," I say gesturing at my body.

She grins. "So...you ready for your first mission?"

I smirk. "Hell yeah! Gimme a pistol and imma whoop dey asses!"

"Slow down there cow boy," she laughs. "The trick is to keep a low profile. Just bring Scar back here and destroy his stock. That clear?"

"Yea yea," I fling an arm around her shoulder and we walk like that.


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