58) Seeing The Light

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Narrator's Pov.

Riley shuts his eyes as he hears the unexpectedly loud thump of the men landing.

He opens his eyes again. Scar landed first on his back, now his arms and legs are sprawled out, blood ooses out of his crushed skull. C.J landed on him. Curved into a ball-like position as if to protect himself - or try to.

Riley lands only a few metres from the men and takes off his parachute. Cassandra's the first to run to him, not paying mind to the dead men. "Riley!" She runs into his open arms and holds him tight. Then instantly afterwards, she pulls away and slaps him, hard.

"OW!" He yells. It felt worse then getting hit by Granddad. "The fuck?! Bitch, ain't yo ass happy I ain't dead?!"

"I am!" she screams back. "But you also scared the shit outta me! Don't you ever do that again!"

Riley rubs his left cheek as he sucks his front teeth and follows her back. "Damn..."

Jane literally sprints to the bodies. He ignores Scar completely and instead pulls C.J off him, turning him over his back. He gasps when he sees his face and realises his suspicions were correct. He runs his hand through his hair and whispers. "Angela..." Angela runs to him, hearing him call her and shares the same reaction. By the time he says this, Riley and Cassandra have already reached them. Riley overhears him and his jaw drops.

"Who're you?" I ask out of curiosity, partly dodging her question.

She uses a business tone. "I'm Commander Bassett. I run the whole organisation." She holds her hand out. Its only now I realise we stopped walking.

"Commander...Bassett?" I echo.

She nods.

I look into her familiar brown eyes. "What's yo full name?"


There's ah silence. "Wut wus her name?"

"Who boy?'

"....Mama.. "

Granddad sighed. "Angela," he told Riley. "Angela Naomie Bassett."


Riley stands frozen in place. His cheek doesn't even hurt anymore. He just feels...numb.

Angela stares down at her husband, she suddenly drops to her knees without a blink. Other agents rush to her side, "Are you alright, commander?" They ask, but she doesn't hear them. She hears nothing except her own breathing.

"Are you Ok?" Cass asks Riley, gently pushing his shoulder.

He twitches, still staring at his mother, the one that had been gone for fifteen years. "......"


"Where Huey at?" he finally speaks.

"By the trucks with Kiara. Why--"

Before letting her finish, he dashes in the direction of the trucks. Cassandra follows him with a frown.


Angela stares at the bodies, paying no mind that Riley had ran away. She shuts her eyes, but that that does no good, tears still escape from between her eyelids...

Like Huey when he cried...

The agents become totally confused and just watch her. Jane does the same and crosses his arms. He clears his throat, causing Angela to stand up. "Agents, take the corpses into the trucks, we can't leave them out here," Austin commands.

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