Ch.1 | Fate

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Co-written by: TanzaniteMusgravite


Manic's POV

'Today has been odd,' I thought. 'Today I am turning 11 years old, yet I have to do work for someone else. Sonic is busy 'Saving the world,' but in the rush he forgot about the Anti-Project. Now, since I don't want him getting into trouble, I have to do it for him.'

I lifted the Anti-Project flyer and read it again.
It pretty much said:
"We are happy to announce the beginning of the Anti-Project. At a young age, Mobians are to be sent to live with their Anti-selves. This will reduce future conflicts with Mobius and Mobian citizens. Thank you for your support." -Mobius Peace Committee.

Now, I am on a bus on Mobius, trying to find my brother's Anti-character. Ugh, why do I have to be the nice brother? This wouldn't be the first time I've had to save Sonic's sorry--

I am interrupted out of my alliteration as someone in the front starts laughing.

"Hey guys, look who showed up!"

Geez, that's a very snobby voice. I look in the isle to see who it belonged to.

I can't tell right now, because there are now many Moebius kids laughing and pointing at...a green ball? Have I missed something?

"Who's up for a game?" The same voice says.

Now I can see that the voice belongs to a rich-looking kid, and the people laughing must be broke friends trying to get some money. Even rich people on MOEBIUS are jerks?

The kids are smacking the ball across the bus. I think my overly-sensitive ears may be acting up, but I think I hear a grunt every time the ball gets smacked...

One of the rich kid's friends spike the ball hard enough to hit the back of the bus. Mind you, they are all the way in the front. When the ball hit the back wall, my ears proved to be right.

"Waaah!" The ball cried out. Balls here can feel pain? I must be going nuts. (*snicker*)

The ball quickly undid itself into...a green hedgehog. This guy looks like he's been beat up. His face is bruised and he's holding his back. Ouch.

The kids in the front are laughing, all except the leader.

"Well this is great." He says. "Now the ball is in the back of the bus! What are we supposed to do now that--what is that kid doing?"

I had gotten up and headed to 'The Ball.' As soon as he saw me, he went back into a sphere. Has this happened to him before? Unacceptable. At least he knew not to cry. That would make things much worse.

Getting on my knees, I first see if he has anymore bruises. I slowly pick him up. There was something familiar about how this looked. Then I took him back to my seat.

A kid from the front looked shocked, saying "Hey...what is he doing? We weren't finished with him yet! Why I oughta--"

"Pipe down." Said the leader. "This guy might be cool." I'll call him Goon for now.

Then he came to my seat.

" did you find your way here?" This guy was trying to make me one of his minions. Oh no, no no no, absolutely not.

I reply with, "Who is this guy?" motioning to the kid on the seat beside me.

"Oh him? That guy is called Shrimp here. Isn't that right, Shrimp?"

The hedgehog next to me is still in a sphere and speak. He starts shaking with fear.

Goon gets impatient. "I said, Isn't that right, SHRIMP?" And he starts towards the ball.

My hand immediately goes in front of it.

"Now, hold up, hold up, hold UP." I say. "You can't come and just take him away. I found him, so he's mine."

Goon, his minions, and the kid are surprised by this.

Once Goon gets out of his trance, he says, "Listen bro, that is not how things work here. See, the thing is, I rule this bus and the losers on it. You're not a loser, like Shrimp here, yet. Hand him over, and you can join my squad over in the front."

The kids all in the front agree with this.

But all I do is stare at goon. Where I'm from, this quickly makes people nervous. I don't move or speak, and my hand is still in front of the boy next to me.

Eventually, Goon gets uncomfortable. "'m...gonna go now." Then he hurried to the front and changed the subject.

I put my hand down. Looking over, the kid is still in a ball. Sigh.


Hello, my lovely Mints! Thank you for reading the first chapter of my very first Fanfic! If there's anything that you want to see in future stories, let me know in the comments and I will see what I can do. Feedback would be appreciated!


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