Ch. 5 | The Dream

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Manic's POV


How the whole crap did I get back on the bus? I could've sworn that I was in Scourge's room.

Scourge appears next to me, looking as confused as I felt.

"Scourge, do you have any idea how we got here?"

He shrugs before yelling "Look out!"

Less than a second after he says this, something collides with my face. The force knocks me onto my back, and I feel myself being held down. It was only one person, so I easily kicked him off. But four more people came and pinned me down, with one person on each of my hands and feet.

"Well, how lovely. Shrimp and his little friend are here."

Unfortunately, I know that voice. Goon stands over me, smirking. Looking past him, Scourge is pinned to the wall.

"Let him go." I say while trying to free myself. Near my feet, words appear that read "The thought of freeing your friend fills you with determination."

Ok, I know this is some sort of reference, but now isn't the time for that.

More of Goon's friends start messing with Scourge, only making me struggle more. My eyes close during my strain. The whole while, I hear blows landing on Scourge, and I swear that I can smell...metal?

I can't bear to look. I'm scared, and keep shouting for them leave Scourge alone. I just want to save him... I want all of this to end...

For some reason, the weight holding me down vanishes. The blows stop, but Scourge is still breathing heavily. I open my eyes to see him bending over to pull me to my feet.

"Manic... Are you... Did they hurt you?" Scourge asks shakily. I'm about to answer, when I see something that that almost stops my heartbeat.

On Scourge's chest are two large cuts.

"Sc...Scourge! Your chest! Th-"


I step back a bit at Scourge's unusally harsh tone. Quickly regaining my courage, I shake my head no.

Sighing, he apologizes. "Listen, Man-Man, I'm sorry for yelling, but as long as I know that those creeps could even touch you, I don't care if I get hurt. You're my only real friend, and the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'd never forgive myself if I let something happen to you..."

He couldn't finish what he was saying and starting sniffling while avoiding my gaze. It's obvious he's really worked up.

I slowly reach up and turn his face to mine. "I understand, Scourge." I wrap my arms around him in a hug, and start purring (natural talent btw) to calm him down.

Soon he hugs back, and I feel my bangs being lifted and something warm presses my head. It takes only a second to realize that Scourge just kissed me.

"I love you, Manic."

I look up to see his face telling me that he meant what he just said.

Somehow I'm able to respond, "I love you too."

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