2. Detention with the Snob

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The next day classes started. My classes were...

1 Defense Against the Dark Arts
2 Muggle Studies*
3-4 Potions

1 Transfiguration
2 Defense Against the Dark Arts
3 Free Period
4 Muggle Studies

1 Charms
2 Defense Against the Dark Arts
3-4 Potions

1-2 Care Of Magical Creatures 2
3-4 Free Period 3
5 Astronomy

1 Transfiguration
2 History of Magic
3 Charms

I had Defense of The Dark Arts first. I took notes jotting down everything the professor said. Good that I had gotten my mother's mad study skills instead of my fathers horrible one.

I only had three friends who were in my grade, Albus, Augusta and a girl named Jasmine Copperpot. She's supposed to be related to Albus Dumbledore, a headmaster at Hogwarts when my dad was in school. Albus was named after Dumbledore. He was killed with the killing spell. I haven't learned it because I'm too afraid to even say the words, I would never kill someone. Never. Never in a million years would I even kill someone.

Defense Against The Dark Arts which was taught by Professor Longbottom who is also Augusta's father. She sat in the way back, trying to avoid her father. I would too if my dad taught at Hogwarts.

"Hello students." He greets the class.

"So what did my brother say to you on the train?" I asked Augusta.

"Uh, nothing really."

"So he didn't ask you anything?" I urge.

"He asked me out." She smiles a bit.

"You said yes right?" She frowned and refused to look at me. "Why? Did you say no?"

"My dad won't let me date until I graduate Hogwarts." She pressed her lips into a line.

"Why not?"

"He's protective." She folds her hands. "He thinks the boy is going to hurt me."

"My brother wouldn't hurt you. He really likes you." I whisper.

"He does?" She looks shocked.

"Yeah, he talked about asking you out all summer."

"Little does he know is that I've liked him since my fourth year." I gasp.

"Miss Weasley?" I look up at Professor Longbottom.

"Yes sir?"

"Would you like to share what your talking to my daughter about?" Augusta hides her face in embarrassment, making a curtain of brown hair.

"Uh...no sir. I'd rather not." I look down at my hands, embarrassed. Please don't give me detention. Please don't give me detention.

"Then stop talking and pay attention. Ten points abducted from Gryffindor." He continued to teach. I pay attention for the rest of the class and take notes. I look to the front of the class and see Malfoy, smirking at me. I roll my eyes and ignore him.

The day goes by quickly. Once the day is over I go to the library and search for a book. I'm supposed to meet Al, Lily and Hugo to hang out. I see them in the back, I begin to walk towards them.

"Hey" I look behind me to see Malfoy, there with soft eyes. I literally haven't seen him with this expression.

"What do you want?"

"What? I can't talk to you?"

"Not really. I don't want jerks talking to me." I brush off imaginary dust off my robes and carry on to the group. "Hey guys,"

"What did Malfoy want?" Hugo asked.


"Whatdid he say?" Albus asked. I shrug.

"Nothing guys, he just said hey and I told him off. How were your guys's day?" I asked, sitting down at the table everyone was sitting at.

"Good, Hugo kept trying to talk to me in Potions and got me in trouble." Lily glared at my brother. "Loss ten points. But I gained it back again when I answered a question right." She smile.

"I was asking you what the answer to the question was."

"I wasn't going to tell you!" She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. I laugh and twiddle my thumbs.

"I can't believe I have to wake up at four A.M. for Quidditch practice. I gotta get to bed at like, eight." She props herself up with her elbows. I am so tired I could fall asleep now, I'm gonna head up to the common room, alright?" Lily said standing up and grabbing her bag.

"Are you okay?" Albus asked.

"Just a headache, I'll be fine though." She puts her bag on her shoulder and walks out of the library.

"I think I'm gonna go too," I say a minute after she leaves. "See you guys later," I wave as they wave and say goodbye. I decide to walk up to the common room to get some of my homework done. On the way there I run into Malfoy. He smiles kindly at me. Hmm, that's unusual. Why is he being so nice to me? I ignore him but he keeps walking with me, silently even when we pass the staircase for the dungeons.

"Ok what gives Malfoy why are you being so nice to me?!"I snarl at him aggravated that he's following me silently like some creepy stalker.He smirks running his hand through his white blonde hair.He opens his mouth to reply when one of the professors stalks up to us with angry footsteps.

"What do you two think your doing in the hallways past curfew!?"I sneak a peek at my muggle watch on my wrist.The time is 8:00 pm.Well crap.

"Detention for both of you!Especially you Mister Malfoy you passed the dungeon entrance three corridors ago!"Draco mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that Mister Malfoy?"Draco huffed.

"I said my father will hear about this."He stated plainly.The teacher glared at Scorpius.

"Your father said the same thing to me many years ago."I finally recognized the teacher as my aunt Ginny!

"But Aunt Ginny!"I protested.She gave a disapproving look.

"That's not going to get you anywhere Rose and it's Professor Potter to you young lady!"I looked down at my feet in shame.

"Report to Headmistress McGonagall's office immediately and there we will decide who you will decide have detention with!"We both walked shamefully in front of my Aunt Ginny as we reported to Headmistress McGongall's office.We entered her office and I gazed up at the paintings and the wonderful architecture and vaulted ceilings in her office.I heard a throat clear and Headmistress McGongall was standing there giving both Scorpius and I a stern look.

"What brings you two here at such a late hour?"She asked us raising an eyebrow of curiosity.

"I caught them in the corridor after curfew and Mister Malfoy here had even followed Miss Weasley up towards Gryffindor Tower."

"Mister Malfoy that is not the proper way to escort a lady."Headmistress McGongall told him firmly.

"I wasn't trying to escort her Headmistress I was actually going to ask her something but she kept avoiding me and kept evading my attempts to talk to her."The Headmistress looked my way.

"Is that true Miss Weasley?"I nodded.

"It is very true Headmistress he was just silently following me up to the tower and he was being creepy about it too because he didn't say a word the entire time."The Headmistress waved a hand.

"I'm giving you two detention for a week for being outside of your Common Rooms past curfew."I took the sentence with silence and shame, but Scorpius tried to protest and was eventually stared down by the Headmistress.

"Now off to bed with both of you I've got a headache and you're making it worse." She shooed us out of her office and as I headed up towards Gryffindor Tower. I thought silently to myself.

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