Im Not Wendy- Chapter 14

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*Tinkerbell's POV*

'Juliette Andreans, come over here!'- I heard, and suddenly, Julie came in running and screaming in agony. A raged Peter came after her, trying to catch her. I stood in front of him.

'Tinkerbell, Not Now!'- He screamed, pushing me aside. Julie was curled up in a corner crying.

'Peter, please don't do anything to me. Please'- She cried. Peter turned around, completely enraged, and stormed back into his room. Julie just continued to cry there.

'Julie... stop crying. What happened?'- I asked her. She looked up.

'I don't think I can deal with this, Tink. I didn't do anything, we were just fine, until I said I wanted to lose some weight, as I was fat... and he became all angry at me, Tink. I thought he was going to hit me'- She cried.

'Julie... you know this is not the real Peter. You know he changed after the whole Hook thing. He only tries to protect you. He hasn't ever loved someone as much as he loves you, and he has never been loved the way you love him. But you know the real, sweet, wonderful Peter is still down there, and you can see him, each time he is with you. I noticed.'- I said. She wiped off a few tears and breathed in.

'Im going to talk to him'- She said, standing up.

I noticed how Julie changed after she came here. The first days, she was an innocent, shy girl. With Peter's accident and all that, she became more mature, almost like if she was an adult.

Oh no.

No, I didn't think Julie would become like Wendy, that all she cared about was growing up and leaving us. Julie was full on decided to stay. And, in the worst of cases, we would leave with her.

And this didn't happen only to Julie. Peter, yes, Peter Pan, seemed much more mature and grown up. But he didn't seem to abandon this child phase I loved.

*Julie's POV*

I entered the room to see Peter looking out, where the boys were playing.

'Peter?'- I asked. He turned around and looked at me. The teary face, the red wrists. His eyes were red, and his hair was all ruffled, as if he had been running his hand through it repeatedly.
'I don't get it'- He said. I looked at him confused.
'I don't get why I have to be like this. I don't want to see you hurt, Julie. Not after letting Wendy go away'-He said, rather softly, so I couldn't exactly hear a lot of it. However, I walked slowly towards him. I cupped his cheek with my hand and wiped a few tears that were falling from his eyes.
'I know you're sorry. And I know you can't help it. Don't worry. Im not mad at you, and im not leaving you.'- I told him. I ran my hands through his hair.
'Stop crying. You don't want the boys asking'- I smiled. I received a smile back.
'I love you, Andreans'- He flashed one of his famous smirks at me.
'I love you too, Pan'- His smirk made me giggle as I looked down in embarassment. He lifted my head up.
'I made you blush, Julie'- He smiled, and his cheeks turned pink.
'Well look'- I said, poking his cheek-'Your cheeks are pink'-Peter smiled and placed a kiss on my lips. I smiled when he pulled apart.
'PETER!'- We heard one of the boy's scream in fear. Our eyes widened and Peter took my hand as we ran.
When we got outside, we couldn't believe what we saw.

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