Im Not Wendy- Chapter 1

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'WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO SPOIL EVERYTHING!'- Peter Pan yelled at Wendy Darling

'Peter, I...'

'I wouldn't spoil anything for you, Peter'- I said to the screen. There I was, a cold Thursday night, cuddled up in my bed, with a pack of popcorn, a jar of Nutella and a big spoon, watching my all time favourite movie, my life, my everything, Peter Pan, 2003, real life edition. 

Hi, Im Juliette Andreans, Julie for short. Im 13 years old and I live in London. I live with my parents, Anne and George, and my two siblings, Brianna and Nicholas. Im the oldest of all three. But Im still considered a child and a little crazy by my friends and family, as I have this little obsession over that boy that never grows up, you know, the one with blonde curly messy hair and is dressed up with vines and twigs, yes, that one, Peter Pan. 

I have read the book over a thousand times, seen the movies, the character and the real life ones, like a million times probably. My walls are covered in dance pictures, as I am a dancer, and a lot of paintings and drawings made handmade my me, and in every each one of them you can see the flying boy, whether is he alone, or with the lost boys, or Tinkerbell, or fighting Hook, or... with Me.

After the movie ended, I slipped on my white nightgown, almost identical as the one Wendy Darling wore in the movies and books, and went down to the kitchen to leave the jar of Nutella and the popcorn bag, grabbed a glass of water, and marched back to my room. I shared room with my siblings, because when we bought the house I was the only child born back then, and the Nursery, what I call now my room, is ENORMOUS. So after my siblings were born, it was very easy to just add two beds and some other things. I actually liked it, it didnt bother me like to most teenagers this days, who only want privacy. I wasnt really into the 'Teenager' things, like you would say it, like going to parties, and wearing makeup and fancy shirts and short skirts. I preferred my fantasy child world, in which I played and told stories to my siblings, and they seem to love it too. 

'Good night, Julie'- They both whispered

'Good night, Bri, good night, Nick'- I whispered back. I covered myself with the fluffy and soft blankets, switched off my night lamp, and drifted off to sleep. I was just about to close my eyes, as I remembered. I sprung up from my bed and opened the big window there was in our room. I always kept it open, just in case... we have some visitors. 

Yes, I am referring to the one and only Peter Pan. Many people say that he is not real, he is not alive, he doesn't exist. But I truly believe he is real and he will come to get me one night and fly me to Neverland. 

I crawled up again in my bed, and, before sleeping, I whispered: 'Please come Peter, take me to Neverland'

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