"Taylor actually invited me to some movie thing on the ship-. Actually no, I can cancel it's okay." Fin said. "No, no. I can just have a me day today. Maybe I'll find Zayn somewhere and disturb his Zayn day." I grinned shortly.
"You sure? I can't tell your expression, this is a first." She went of into a mumble. "I am! Geez, I'm leaving before you start imagining things." I slapped her shoulder as I walked away from her. "Alright, but when we dock tomorrow it's a three amigos day! You, Zayn, and I!" She yelled. I let out a "Mhm", turning the corner.
Since Harry and Louis also had plans, I was alone. But I actually didn't mind. I'm sure I could entertain myself.
Hmm, where shall I start? Smoothie maybe? Yes, smoothie.
I swear they put magical fairy dust in there smoothies because they were quite addictive.
"One medium banana strawberry smoothie please?" I told the girl.
"$4.50" She replied as I handed her my five.
After retrieving my smoothie I looked for a quite spot to sit in and read something on my phone. "No fucking..." I whispered to myself, sipping my smoothie as I watched Zayn talk to Niall. I wasn't worried about them seeing me because I was hidden by my sunglasses and they were both clueless bums.
After my slight and first real argument with Zayn about him talking with Niall and what not, he kept his friendship on the DL, especially from me.
Okay, only me. I had Fin fill me in and he got her believing his sob story. I wish I knew what lie he thought up because apparently it was "something he would have to tell me myself." My phone buzzed and I had a strong feeling it would be Fin saying she cancelled with Taylor.
From: Zaynie
Stop creepin and just come over here!!
To: Zaynie
Haha of course I wont
From: Zaynie
Whatevs he doesnt know ur weirdly staring at us anyways..im leavin like..now so u should get the balls u know u dont have and come talk to him..maybe after we can chill?? Text me xx
But I was texting you, retard. Sometimes I don't understand his terms. My eyes shot up when I saw him get up and walk away, glancing at me with a dumb smirk on his face before he disappeared. Come on Esme, where are your cojones? (Balls)
"H-Hey." I sighed, watching Niall slumped in his seat, texting away.
"If you want me to leave, I will." He quickly said, about to get up. "No! No, I just-. I wanted to uh, talk?" I stuttered. He looked at the empty seat next to his and I sat in it. "What's this about?" He questioned.
"I-. I have no clue." I sighed again. "You seem nervous. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel nervous." He apologized. "Don't say sorry, I just don't have a reason as to why I came up here." I replied.
"Well, since I have you, I'm sorry for the embarrassment and I'm sorry for me lying to you...even though I didn't, I just didn't tell you everything. I'm not sorry for that because I was trying to protect you. I'm sorry for my selfishness though, you deserve the right to know why. Zayn and Fin..ely says you think my why is another sob story so I understand if you rather not hear it...overall I'm sorry for everything." He babbled.
Sighing for the hundredth time I said, "Tell me."
"Oh, okay. Well for starters I have no memory of the night Gaby died. I was too wasted and those seniors kept me over night and interrogated me but of course I was too drunk to remember a thing so they told me she committed suicide. And I told the cops the exact thing but of course they refused to believe me so they kept me longer than Louis and made me do a lie detector test. I passed it." He explained.
It took me awhile to process the info before I simply nodded in reply. I believed him. Of at least a part of me wanted to believe him.
"I didn't bother to tell them this...actually no one knows..." He started to mutter, growing cherry red. "You know my parents divorced. The reason I moved to New York was the fact my dad's wife, my step mom, got a new job here...but when I was younger..." And with that he was crying. Not dramatic cries, but tears slipping down his cheeks. His sadness made my stomach churn and I scooted closer to him, wiping the wet blotches with my thumb. "...she pretty much tortured me. Not just a slap and a punch, cruel abuse...she used me to out her cigarettes, she literally strangled me till I passed out...it was the worst childhood a kid could have...I was twelve when she finally stopped...the cops asked questions about Chloe during the test, so they found out about Gaby and Skylar...and my wicked bitch of a step mother... That's why I have mandatory therapy and no charges...but Esme, no one knows this. Not even my dad. But I trust you with my life, and like I said, you deserve the honest truth."
I hadn't realized I was crying too until a salty tear got into my mouth.
"I fuckin' love you. Please don't leave me, don't." He whispered. I held his cheek in my hand with a sympathetic look. "If my mom finds out, if Jack finds out, you're screwed." I slightly smiled.
"They aren't here, are they?" He said with a raised eyebrow. "No, but I'm sure my mom told Matt to keep an eye on me, Jack defiantly asked Luke and Liam to keep a super close eye in me, and if they find out, it won't be pretty." I looked around for any familiar faces.
"I don't mind keep us, between us." He smirked. "Oh please, there is no us. This isn't magically fixed with one talk. I meant if they see us talking, they'd freak. Niall, you understand that we're just friends, right?" His smirk faded and he nodded, "Yeah, duh. I uh, I guess we'll just talk with other people with us?"
"Yeah, that way it isn't that obvious. Phew, that's settled!" I smiled,visiting back in my chair. My phone buzzed and I checked it.
From: Harrrrrrry
I MISS YOU <3 Louis' b-o-r-i-n-g SAVE ME? we're at that surf thingy (:
"Seems like you're needed? I understand." Niall faked a smile after reading my text. "Nosey butt. "Cool, I'll see you around." I said nonchalantly leaving.
"So now you're friends." Zayn repeated after I told him what happened. Everything but the part with Niall's step mother. "Yup." I replied, watching the clouds pass. We were in the lobby, stretched out on one couch, watching the sky.
"Is there hope of you guys being more than friends soon?" He asked. "I have...no clue what so ever." I admitted.
"Okay, it's to early to think of behind friendship, I get it. But I uh, have a question I've been meaning to ask you..." Zayn mumbled. "Yes?" I dragged out.
"Do you think it's too soon to ask Fin out? Like, on a real date?" He asked. "OH MY GOSH, NO! I've been telling Fin you'd ask her out soon but she kept on saying no, he doesn't see me like that, blah, blah, blah. BUT NOW YOU'RE GONNA ASK HER OUT!" I screamed, sitting up.
"Aha, yeah. I was thinking we'd spend the whole day tomorrow since we dock and all...that way it would look like you're with us but you'll go with Niall." Zayn said as though he's been planning this for ages.
"I dunno...I guess. I mean, who's it gonna hurt? Plus, I want you two to go out because otp." I smiled. "Otp?" He questioned. "Ugh, you're such a guy." I rolled my eyes and sat back down.
Just a quick Chappy since I've hit the thousand mark (:
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Ox, Dee)

The Kissing Booth (Niall Horan FanFic)
FanficHigh school was duh, high school. NO ONE WANTED TO GO. It was hell that every teenager had to wake up at 5 in the damn morning, and go through annoying teachers. Even though a few may be cool. And if you're friendless I wouldn't be surprised if you...