My Rockstar Romance (Three)

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“Godmother!?” I half shouted.

They nodded happily, and looked highly amused at the expression on my face. I don't blame them. Cause, I was smiling brightly from ear to ear, having a sort of fangirl moment, spazzing out, and all out jumping up and down. I mean, I'm gonna be a godmother! How can I NOT be happy!? I hugged Sammi, and Jinxx tightly.

I walked away, and went to CC, I hugged him tightly, and told him the news, same with Ash, Andy, and Jake. They were all happy for me. And I was all smiles, talking to everybody here and there, then while I was in the middle of a conversation with Jake, my stomach growled loudly. Jake and I stopped talking, and both looked at my stomach. I blushed, and Jake snickered.

“Sounds like somebody's hungry!” Andy shouted from the other side of the bus. Was it really THAT loud?! Ugh, damnit all... I sighed,

“Was it really that loud?” I asked Jake

“Yeah, kinda” He replied giving me a really cute smile.

“Now that I think of it, I'm pretty starved too.” Ashley randomly said, coming out of his bunk.

The others muttered their agreement. “Then what or where shall we eat?” I asked

“Who's up for pizza?” Jinxx asked

I nodded eagerly, And so did Jake, looking like he was in deep thought. I waved my hand in front of him. Nothing. Well then.. “Um, Jake, Andy's about to come and tackle hug you. Just thought you should know.” I said.

Jake didn't budge. I noticed Andy was listening in. I motioned with my head for him to tackle hug Jake, and well... Andy went at full speed towards Jake. When Andy tackle hugged Jake, Jake shouted, and fell to the floor... And Andy, Andy couldn't stop laughing... I started snickering, “Hey, I told you” I said smirking

Jake gave me a small glare, and pushed Andy off of him. “That's what you get for zoning out.” Andy said with a smug look on his face.

I walked over to the couch, followed by Jake and Andy. Where everybody was gathered, and debating on what we should do tonight. So far we had, going to Applebees, going out drinking, but when that was suggested it was immediately dismissed. The guys and Sammi knew very well that I up and refused to go out drinking unless it was a special occasion. But sometimes someone will forget and suggest it... Anyhow, we also had, going out for pizza, and finally, staying in and ordering pizza over the phone.

Well, when I was here, usually my decision on something broke the tie. And it was even for everything, and as always, I still hadn't said a word until it was a tie breaker. And everybody had shut up, and were looking at me expectantly. Well, I was pretty tired of pizza, and I hadn't gone to Applebees and a long time... “Let's go to Applebees!” I announced with a smile on my face.

CC and Jake cheered, while the other mumbled, but sucked it up, and we headed out. Andy shouted out to John where we were going. John came into the room, pointed to his phone, and went off. Well then... The guys were warpaint free, since they had a day off today. Well, other than CC who still had body paint all over his arms from his show yesterday... Andy wore a sleeveless Batman shirt, black skinny jeans, and converse. The rest of the guys had dressed in all black sleeveless shirts, and black skinny jeans. I think me and Sammi were the only ones not in black.

I'm glad that there was an Applebees within walking distance of the bus. And it's really cool outside tonight, which made me really mellow. I tapped CC's shoulder. He looked at me, “Yeah?”

“Isn't tonight Karaoke night?” I asked

CC thought about it for a second, and then a wide grin appeared on his face. “Yes. Oh, yes Yady, it is.”

My Rockstar Romance (Black Veil Brides/ My Chemical Romance Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now