My Rockstar Romance (Six)

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Giselle and I spent the entire time at Starbucks laughing like total morons, singing random songs, and just having the best time ever. This girl is amazing! It's been a while since I've had this much fun with someone with someone other than Sammi. After everything, we headed backstage again. When we opened the door, Black Veil Brides and My Chem were just talking. All nonchalant. Apparently the other bands had left already, and go back to their tour buses.

Gerard and Jinxx were talking, so were Andy and Mikey, Frank, Ashley, and CC we also talking together. I noticed Jake and Ray were nowhere near eachother. Both were across the room, sitting on a couch, lightly playing their guitars.

I felt bad for the both of them. I turned to Giselle, and I think that she was thinking the same. “Wanna talk to Ray?” Giselle asked me

I nodded, and smiled. “You take Jake?”

Giselle nodded, and we walked away. As I walked towards Ray, he noticed me coming over. He stopped playing and smiled slightly at me. “Hey Ray” I said kindly, giving him a smile.

He returned my smile, “Hey” He said

“Mind if I sit?”

“Not at all” Ray said, patting the seat next to him.

I sat down, and looked around, slightly unsure of what to say. I don't know him well, and I don't want to make an idiot of myself... Yeah, I'll wait for him to talk first...

A few seconds went by, and I had a feeling that he didn't wanna look like a moron either.... I opened my mouth to speak, but Ray cut me off. “Did you like the show?” He asked me

I smiled, and nodded, “Yeah! I loved it! You and Frank play guitar like badasses!”

Ray smiled brightly, “Do you play guitar?” He asked

I chuckled and slightly blushed. Remembering what happened to my guitar.. Looking back, it's pretty funny... But I shook my head. I noticed Ray giving me a weird look, but was smiling.

“Oh, sorry” I mumbled, turning slightly pink

“It's alright. Why did you laugh?” He asked

“Well, I just suck at guitar. When I was 12 I got one for christmas... Long story short, I broke three strings within about three months. I was pretty awful” I said

Ray started laughing, “I could teach you if you like.” He offered

I shook my head. “No thanks, Ray. Thanks for offering, but I'm used to being amazed at amazing guitar players... I wish I could play like that, but I know that I can't, So...”

“Never say that you can't. You can play guitar if you work hard at it. I really wouldn't mind teaching you..”

I smiled, “No really. It's fine. But like I said, thanks for offering.”

Ray opened his mouth to say something else but he was cut off by a sudden shout.

We both looked around, and noticed Frank jumping up an down. And that everybody else had gotten quiet cause of his sudden outburst. He finally noticed the look that we were all giving him, and blushed slightly. “What? I just very much enjoy jumping...” He said, before rushing to, Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Giselle, and myself. He made us all come together, so we were all crowded around the couch that Ray and I were sitting on. Gerard sat next to me, and Giselle on his lap, while Mikey stood next to Ray.

“CHANDRA'S COMING TO VISIT!” He shouted happily, still jumping up and down, with a smile on his face.

“Someone had a bit too much sugar...” I mumbled to myself. I heard Ray chuckle lightly, obviously he heard me. I smiled a bit. As the others said their congrats, and talked to Frank about it, my eyes started to wander.

My Rockstar Romance (Black Veil Brides/ My Chemical Romance Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now