My Rockstar Romance (Thirteen)

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HAH! Looky hurr! I updated, and it didn't take two or three months!

I was at this person's house the other day, bored out of my fucking skull, and then BAM.

SLAPPED ACROSS THE FACE WITH IDEAS. So, I typed them down in my iPod, emailed it to me, copy paste, then added more to finish the chapter, and TAADAA! 

You has another chapter! 

I'm honestly extremely happy with how this turned out, to be quite honest. Sadly, I won't be typing tomorrow because I have this band thing, and I just won't have time. 

On this happy note, ENJOY! <3


I found myself atop a snow white balcony, looking over the clouds. Glancing down, I noticed that I was so far up from ground, I couldn't see people. But I saw the smallest and smallest of specks, which reminded me of teeny ants. It was sunset, and as I stared straight ahead, I couldn't help but smile and admire this incredible view. Not everyday that you get to see something like this, and so up close too! It's astounding, breathtaking, and there are no words to describe of beauty of which I have the pleasure of witnessing. Have you ever just stood outside, at sunset, to merely stare at the beautiful colors that come into the sky? That's art at its very best. 

Taking a glance behind me, I noticed that there was no door. Just snow white wall. Looking down at myself, I took note of my attire. Black. The color of my outfit was black. I was wearing a long, flowing, long sleeved black dress, that softly swept behind me when the wind blew in my direction. My hair was elegant, in very lose curls, hanging just below my shoulders. As I put weight from my left leg to my right, I also noticed that I wasn't wearing any shoes. Odd. 

I could clearly conclude that this was a dream. The most lovely of dreams. The view, the elegance of it all, the beauty... 


Just then, I felt a hand gently place itself on my left shoulder. 

Slightly startled, I quickly looked, and realized that it was Ray standing next to me, wearing a suit and tie. He smiled at me, and handed me a single blood red rose, perfectly in bloom. I blushed, and took it from him, sniffing it in the process. It smelled lovely. I gave him a smile, "Thank you," I said. 

Ray smiled and nodded at me, squeezing my shoulder lightly. 

At that very moment, I felt another hand gently rest itself upon my other shoulder. Looking up, I saw that it was Jake. He was also in a suit and tie. But being Jake, he had his own spin to it. Having his hair nicely teased up, and having his tie loosely done. Though, he wore no makeup. Not like I've usually seen him. 

He was very handsome with no makeup on. Then again, he's handsome with the makeup on too. 

He looked at me and handed my a perfectly in bloom, pure white rose. I blushed at this also, and took it with my remaining hand, sniffing it in the process as well. Once again, the lovely rose smell fills my nose and makes me tingle. 

"Thank you," I say to him also. 

He gave me a happy smile and leaned over to kiss my cheek. Causing me to blush multiple shades of pink. 

I sighed in content. This moment couldn't possibly get any more perfect. 

Then I started noticing a small light in front of me. And then another, and another, and more each second. Taking a better look, I realized that they fireflies. 

My eyes widened, and I leaned forward, resting my elbows upon the rail of the balcony. The footsteps of Ray and Jake then followed, both standing on either side of me. 

My Rockstar Romance (Black Veil Brides/ My Chemical Romance Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now