My Rockstar Romance (Nine)

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  • Dedicated to Chandra Lavender

Sorry for the long wait.. I had too much school work, AND I have a science project due on Wednesday or something. And I've got to pratice my flute for All County, AND for some upcoming concerts. Not to mention me tenor sax.  -.- But bright side? I got on honor roll for the first time since 5th grade. See, this makes me happeh :3

Annnnnd Gee published her fan fic last night, so I owe her. And yes, Gee, I know I've been very impatient lately. That's muh job<3 

About 8 pages on Open Office. So I wrote alot. Be proud, Gee<3

enough of my pointless babbling, ON WITH LE CHAPTER.


Yady POV

I woke up the next day, feeling really drowsy. Moaning slightly, I reached next to me, to get my cellphone. I checked the time, 7:45 A.M. I sighed in annoyance. I'm not supposed to be up this fucking early in the morning.

I tried to remember what reason I would have for waking up so early. I don't normally wake up this early unless I have a legit reason for doing so. Thinking hard for a second it finally came to me.

Chandra's coming! Frank did say that he's going to get her from the airport rather early. I wonder what Frank's idea of early was.

Either way, I groaned and got my lazy ass outta bed. I heard the other guys snoring softly. My eyes wondered to Jake's bunk. He was turned away from me, his covers up to his neck. And I could see his body going up and down with his breathing. He turned in his sleep, so he was facing me. His face looked so relaxed, and I could swear that I saw him smile slightly. He looked so... At peace.

Then again, I guess so did everybody when they slept. I turned away, and went to find myself something to wear.

Opening my suitcase, I searched and got a purple T-shirt with Gir on it holding a cupcake saying, 'EPIC NOM' I giggled to myself as I picked it up. I then got some ripped jeans, black, and purple converse. And my other girl things. I stood, and headed for the shower. And after about 20 minutes in the shower, I got out, got dressed, quickly did my hair and makeup, got my cell phone, and went out the door of the bus. Making my way to the My Chem bus.

When I got to the bus, I knocked on the door. Normally I would have just waltzed in as if I lived there, but since I haven't known these guys long, I don't wanna come off as rude.

Yeah, I've got SOME manners...

Ray answered the door, and I immediately felt the blood rush to my cheeks.


Cause Ray was shirtless. Wearing some jeans and sneakers. His 'fro was slightly messy. Some parts randomly flying out here and there. But in some way.. it looked really attractive on him.

I mentally slapped myself, what am I thinking!? I've only just met the guy. These thoughts should NOT be coming into my head.

I finally noticed Ray staring at me, smiling slightly. Oh, wonderful. I'm blushing redder. “Good morning, Yady” Ray said

I returned his smile, “Morning Ray. Can I enter?”

“You may enter,” Ray chuckled

I chuckled softly, as Ray stepped out of my way and let me onto the bus.

“Did Frank leave?” I asked, noticing that Ray and I were the only ones up and around.

“About an hour ago. He should be back soon. He hardly got any sleep, he was so excited. The second Chan texted him that her plane had landed, he made a run for the door, and went to pick her up.”

My Rockstar Romance (Black Veil Brides/ My Chemical Romance Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now