Vanoss Part 1

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You had been a fan of him for years. Today was the day you would finally get to meet him. It was the day of the big meetup in Canada.
You'd saved up for months to make the flight from America to Canada.
"Hello?" you say picking up the phone
"Where are you? The meet up is about to begin!" Your best friend said.
You guys had had different flights to Canada due to prior arrangements you had the two days ago.
"Crap.. I'll be right there. Sorry I overslept."
Putting down the phone you hurriedly got ready. You were out the door in two minutes, a new record.
Leaving the hotel you called for a taxi.
"Hey, is it okay if we share this taxi I am running late. I am sorry it is really important."
"Yeah, that is fine." You replied to look at the man you would be sharing a taxi with.
It was Evan.
You were shocked to see your favorite youtuber in person that you almost missed the taxi.
"Taxi is here," he said bringing you to your senses. "Thank you," you said climbing into the taxi.
"Where are you guys headed?" called the driver from the front.
"1055 Canada Place," you reply to the taxi driver.
"I am headed to the same place." He said smiling at you."So, what is your reason for going to the Vancouver Convention Center?"
"I am going to at meetup there, what is your reason." you say as casually as you can.
"I am holding a meet up for my YouTube subscribers there. It would be cool if you could stop by at the meetup for a little while, if you want to of course." He said nervously.
"That sounds fun. To be honest that is the meet up I was going to anyway." You say with a big smile on your face.
"Since you know my name, I would love to know yours."
"Yes, of course my name is (Y/N)."
"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." He said looking into your eyes.
The ride ended all too soon
"Here is your stop," the driver called to you and Evan.
"Thank you sir," you said pulling out your wallet.
"Don't worry about the money I got it." Evan said stopping you from paying.
"Thank you, you didn't have to though." you said
"I am sure you paid enough just to get to this meet up. So I'll take care of the taxi ride."
You walked into the crowded convention center with Evan. You felt all eyes on you. Whether the looks were good or bad, you could care less what others thought of you.
"Hello, everyone" Evan said
In the crowd someone yelled, "Who's the girl!"
"This is (Y/N), she is a friend of mine." Evan said.
"Hi, everyone." You said looking for your friend.
Evan left your side to meet some of the fans. As he left your side, your friend came up to.
"You have some explaining to do." she teased
You told her everything that had happened. By the time you finished, you look over and see her jaw dropped.
"That was totally fate's doing." She said excitedly.
"Yes, but that does not mean we will get together. I am sure he already has a line of girls at his door." You said.
"You soo areeee," she said squealing. "He hasn't taken his eyes off of you since you guys arrived." She said.
"Shhhh, don't be so loud." You said playfully pushing her.
The meet up lasted three hours. It flew by so quickly.
You and your friend were about to leave when you heard some one calling for you. "(Y/N)" the voice said. Turning to see who it was you said, "Oh hey, Evan."
"Me and the guys are going to hang out I was wondering if you and your friend would join us." He said.
Before you could answer him, your friend said, "We would love too."

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