Chapter 3 - Doctor, Doctor.

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Breaking Impulses - Book 2 of the Spoken Dead Series.

Chapter 3 - Doctor, Doctor.

Those shoes. That was all Adam could think about was those shoes. The only person he knew that wore those shoes was-. No, he thought to himself, it couldn't be. Adam had imagined it. It couldn't be. She was gone. It wasn't real, Adam kept telling himself, it as just something he remembered seeing on the news. It wasn't real. 

Adam clutched his hands in his hair. The situation was far too much like the situation when his parents disappeared. He saw them, well not them, it was just his imagination, Adam willed himself to believe this.

Adam tried to shake these thoughts from his head, but they remained firmly in place. Everything was linking together inside his head. It was too much. He felt like he was losing himself. His mind was an mix of emotions.

Adam squeezed his eyes shut, wishing things weren't like this. He had just ran from the place he called his home for the past three years. He ran from something he couldn't explain, to add the the havoc that was Adams brain. He clutched his fingers in his hair tightly, giving it a sharp pull. He was blocking out the world around him.

Adam froze in place, hoping he could just stay that way forever. Free from the suffering in the world, and the people that cause it. Adam didn't know what suffering on the horizon.

However, he thought were cut off by the sound of tyres screeching. Adams eyes snapped open to see a body pressed up against the wind screen of the car. The person looked like they were alive, however seemed to be like the man that attacked Adam at his apartment.

Adam eyes widened and he began screaming as the car spun out of control. He dug his nails into his seat, and looked over to Jasper. Adam couldn't believe that his friend kept a look of control on his face. He looked back to the wind screen and saw that the person was still there, and it was now banging its bloody hand on the glass. The glass was beginning to crack beneath the mangled hand of the person pasted across the wind screen.

Jasper continued to drive the car while the person opened its mouth, hissing, then its hand broke through the glass, and scratched out at Adam.

"Jasper, do something!" Adam commanded, flinching back from the hand that was trying to throttle him.  

Jasper ignored him, and continued to drive, until the car began to spin, out of control. Jasper cussed repeatedly, and began to undo his seat belt. Jasper then proceeded to unclick Adams too.

"In five, we jump out of the car." Jasper told his friend, who just looked at him, totally confused.

"Are you serious?" Adam asked, and tried to say more but the car jolted.

"Yes, are you ready?" Jasper responded, becoming impatient.

"No." Adam mouthed to him, but Jasper just leaned over and held onto the passenger side door handle.

Jasper ignored what Adam said and muttered, "Five." With those words, Adams car door flew opened, and Adam went with it.

The gravel that was throw about the road crunched as Adam hit the ground. He could feel glass and depres flying all around him. Adam moaned in pain, and, after a few minutes, began to pull himself to his feet. He used to golf club he had been holding to help him. Once he was on his feet, standing with a large painful zing just above his knee cap.

Adam then looked around for Jasper, but couldn't see him anywhere. The street Adam was stood on was bare. The street lights were the only things luminating the street, well that and the wreckage of Jaspers' car.

Breaking Impulses - Book 2 of the Spoken Dead Series. (on-hold)Where stories live. Discover now