Secrets -Prologue-

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Meagan and Lianna walked a cement pathway to school. They often chattedalong the blocks they traveled. Today was no different than any other day. Meagan had swung her backpack on and called, "I'm leaving now!" to her mom. She had walked hurredly up the pathway to Lianna's driveway. There she waited for her friend's company to school. They both never enjoyed it, especially gym class.

Lianna rushed out in a frenzy. "Shoes." Meagan called out.

"What?" she asked.

"Look down."

Lianna had forgotten her shoes and socks. She stared at her bare feet, then suddenly darted back inside.

"Hurry up! We're late!" Meagan hissed, looking at her watch.

Lianna darted back and panted, "Sorry."

"Looks like we're speed walking." Meagan grumbled. "And we still have a good ways to go."

They sped until they both (mainly Lianna) were out of breath.

"I can't ren any longer," she panted.

Appearently, when Meagan says, "Speed walk" she means, "RUN!!!!!!!!!!!" Now they had only about a mile stretch through town to school. Meagan liked the idea of being late, but not being in trouble for it.

"We need to get going." Meagan sighed.

"Oh well!" hissed Lianna. She had a point; they could walk slowly if at all for a little while.

Lianna was glad and panted, "Good."

They walked slowly, looking at all the tall buildings. Meagan looked mainly at the blue, almost periwinkle, sky. There wasn't a cloud in sight and the sun beat down on them hard. Summer vacation was near and they enjoyed the thoughts of it. Lianna wanted to sleepin and play with her friends in the afternoon. Meagan couldn't wait to visit her grandmother and go to a horse-riding camp. By now she had become an expert. Their summer dreams were almost within their grasp.

A knock was heard around the corner. There Was no mistaking it; it was a gunshot. Their daydreams ended as fast, if not faster, than the gun went off. Lianna copied Meagan as she smoothed her back against the wall, just in case someone armed walked (or ran) around the brick house. After two minutes of waiting, Meagan poked her head around and saw a lifeless body..... Nothing more.

"He's gone," Meagan assured her friend.

Lianna popped her head out of the side and saw the crimson corpse. "Blood," she whispered.

"I can see that." Meagan snapped. "We're lucky it's not ours."

Lianna underestood and they walked up to investigate. Her eyes were firm on the body and she concluded, "I think he bled to death."

"No!" argued Meagan. "Look at the wounds; his head is smashed in!" She had a point; the skull was bashed in.

"I wonder who killed him and how he died," declared Lianna.

"I don't know, but we can ask him," hissed Meagan as she pointed to a caucasion male with brown hair and eyes in a dark alley. As soon as he knew he was spotted, he took off. Meagan and Lianna ran with no complaints, only one thing on their mind, "Who is this?", and they would do anything to find out.

"He's climbing!" Lianna called out. Meagan quietly whispered her plan into her companion's ear.

She mearly nodded and continued to pursue.

Meagan slowed down and dissappeared.

Now Lianna was climbing a chain-link fence that the man was still on. He jumped down and landed on on his ankle. He let out a loud cry of pain. Yet he continued his escape. Lianna wasn't nearly as clumsy. She grabbed the top steel bar and pushed off the fence with her feet. Her body moved backwards over the fence. When she was on the other side she let go and did two flips to land on her feet.

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