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Newt's POV

"You have to shut up Minho!" I yelled at him.
"Well sorry for trying to give him some hope!" He yelled back at me.
"That hope you're trying to give him, it will kill him!"

I got face to face with him in two strides but I was pulled away from Minho by Giselle.

"You have to calm down." She told me when we were far away from the group.
"How could I calm down? Tommy is going to die and we can't do anything about it."
"Look you don't know that for sure Newt. You don't know how lucky you are that you have a chance to save someone that you care about. I would rather be in your position if that meant I would have a chance to save my aunt."

Giselle was never good with words but I understood what she meant. Tommy could have been shot in front of us just minutes ago but he was still alive.

"You are right. I'm sorry that you had to um, see me like that." I told her as I looked at her.
"It's okay." She reached out and grabbed my hand. "It at least shows me that you are still human, not some heartless crank."

We both laughed a little and just stood there. She squeezed my hand before letting it go and walking over to the group. I felt a bit disappointed that she let my hand go but we are just friends, nothing more.

"I'm sorry Minho." I said as he looked over to me.
"It all right I understand, I feel the same way but we need to start planning something."

"I say we follow them." Aris said.
"No we can't if the see or hear us they'll kill him." Brenda told him. "We need to come up with a plan and fast."


We all ducked and turned around. WCKD agents just a couple feet from us and they were shooting at us.

"Run go to Bertha!" Jorge yelled.

We ran as the bullets flied right by our heads. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Sonya shoot back at the agents.

"Where did you get that?" I asked.

"They forgot it so I grabbed it as soon as I heard the gunfire!" She yelled still shooting at them.

Bertha was just in our sights when we all heard Vince yell. He got shot by one of the WCKD agents in his lower back.

"Go!" He groaned as he laid on the floor.
"No come on!" Giselle said trying to get him up.

I stopped running and helped them up. Vince was in between me and Giselle limping the rest of the way to the car. Everyone went inside the car and left the front seat for Vince.

As soon as I jumped into the car and shut the door Jorge sped off leaving a dark cloud of dust behind us.

"Vince are you okay?" Giselle asked.
"I don't think so it my have hit my kidney." He croaked.
"Don't worry we will get to camp before you know it." Jorge assured him.
"No." He said putting a hand on Jorge. "They could be following us for all we know. Keep driving away from the camp, I'll tell you to stop when I can't bare the pain no more."

1 hour of driving and Vince finally gave in. We stopped in the middle of the scorch where there was no life to be seen for miles.

"Try to be quite you guys, cranks can come out of nowhere." Harriet told us, getting her machete out.

"Okay Brenda open the trunk, Minho get my bag, Newt and Jorge get Vince out if the passenger seat." Aris ordered.

We all looked at him. He was a quiet kid so to hear him give us orders were knew.

"I'm sorry but when did you become a medjack? Fry asked him.

Aris just put his head down and didn't say anything.

"He's taken out a bullet or two." Sonya said. "Let's just say our maze was a little bit different than yours."

"Okay then let's go I don't think Vince had much time left." Minho told us as he grabbed Aris bag.

Jorge and I grabbed Vince carefully and bent him down on the trunk of the car despite all his yelling.

"I'm sorry but this is how you are suppose to be if you want me to get the bullet." Aris said to him.
"It's fine just do what you have do kid and ignore the little girl in me that's scream." He told him.

"Okay someone has lost too much blood. So Aris what do you need?" Minho asked.

"I think I came prepared so can I get the metal prongs or pliers, a needle, some thread and finally I need alcohol but I don't think I brought that." He mumbled.

"Well I know someone who does." Giselle said.

We all turned to see the only persons that could possibly have any alcohol with him, Jorge. He was already drinking from his flask but stopped when he noticed that we were all looking at him.

"Oh come on you serious 'mano." He groaned as he pulled the flask from his mouth.
"We need that." I told him.
"Listen this right here is 12 year old bourbon and I know that you all-"

Brenda suddenly when up to him and took away his flask in one swift move.
"You need to stop whining and be a bigger man here and sacrifice your precious alcohol."

In response Jorge just rolled his eyes at her. Aris started working in Vince the moment his hand touch the flask.

He cleaned some of the blood before pouring a more than generous amount of alcohol on his wound. Vince was screaming at the top of his lungs but his screams were muffled by the cloth that was in his mouth.

Then he grabbed the pliers and opened the wound just a little bit more, causing Vince to scream in pain.
"Okay Minho hold it like this," Aris said grabbing Minho's hand. "In going to try and get it."

Aris put a small metal file in his wound along with one of his fingers and seconds later the bullet came out. Aris put the bloody bullet on a cloth and poured more alcohol onto the wound, earning groans from Vince and Jorge.

I don't know how he did it but he managed to get him stitched up, in under a minute.
"There done, luckily the bullet didn't hit your kidney so you should be fine."

"Alright Aris. Well done buddy." I said patting him on the back.
"Yeah well done half of my bourbon is gone." Jorge said before getting smacked in the chest by Brenda.

Vince got up slowly and put his shirt back on.
"Yeah thanks kid you did a good job, I hope." Vince chuckled. "Well now that this is over."

"We need to get Thomas back." Minho said.
"Yeah but we also have to warn the rest of the group. For all we know our location has been compromised and if it hasn't it will." Brenda said.

"I think we should warn the group and then go rescue Thomas. I think that's what he would want us to do." Fry suggested.

"Your right Fry we need to but as soon as we warn them we have to come back and find him. I don't know how but we will." I said trying to lift everyone's spirt even my own.

I know Tommy would want us to warn everyone but the more time we spent not looking for him, the more I felt like we never would.

A/N: A Newt's POV for you to see how the gang was after Thomas 'kidnapping'. I hope you all enjoyed. What do you think will happen next? If you any ideas feel free to comment. Thanks for reading. (Sorry for any grammatical errors.)


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